2019-12-20 2:15 PM
Ideally, I need it to work in serial1 or Mode "001" on boot. Is this indeed the firmware default? As an integrated BLE module I would expect it to work immediately, i.e. plug and play but in which mode? I assume I can change firmware and/or registers over the SWD port but it would be nice just to power it and have a working UART interface.
Please let me know what the default interface state is.
2019-12-22 9:51 PM
Hi bro, only IO9 and IO10 is in the "001" mode after reset. Other pins are in "000". You can see this on the p.93, 97 of the BlueNRG-1 DS https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/bluenrg-1.pdf
I suppose you want to use the module as network processor, in this case look at the DTM firmware in the SDK.
2019-12-22 11:22 PM
Yes. As Michael mentioned.
To be specific, please use DTM UART.
2020-02-19 4:04 PM
Thanks. However, we are using an NXP i.MX RT1060 MCU to interface with this module, not an ST MCU. It is unclear on how to use the UART to do Bluetooth communication. How do you do this? Can you provide examples or documentation on this, specifically on how to communicate with an MCU other than an ST?
We don't want to write firmware for the BlueNRG chip itself, we just want to know the easiest path to talk to the module via UART, i.e. "Hello World" example? We just want to send and receive messages.
2020-02-19 8:35 PM
NXP MCU will need to control the BLE chip thru the standard HCI/UART interface.
MCU is a application processor and SPBTLE-1S is the network processor, like:
In the picture, ACI is the HCI interface extended with ST vendor specific commands.
Please refer to ACI documents under BlueNRG GUI package: C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\BlueNRG GUI 3.1.0\Docs\gui_aci_html\
BlueNRG GUI software package: