2017-03-13 3:43 AM
Hi guys,
I'm using SPWF001 and wanted to write my parser since the host MCU is not STM32 (so I cant use the example).
Simple question: If the module is in the middle of +WIND:xx:yyy, and I send an AT Command, is the current string is cut or the module will finish the string and will respond to AT Command.
In other words, is this possible:
or it will always be:
<cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>THANKS YOU
#spwf01 #spwf01sa12017-03-13 11:29 AM
Hi Mikael,
both hypotesis are wrong
WINDs are queued/delayed from 'a' of AT-command to 'CrLf' of resulting OK/ERROR. So, your parser will never receive an indication during command execution.
2017-03-13 11:07 PM
Ok thank you very much
Sent from my iPhone
2017-03-13 11:57 PM
Hi Jery,
Maybe you can help me.
I'm checking if it is not better to port the ST Cube wifi library on my board instead of rewriting new parser.
Can you tell me what are the following timing:
1) Wifi_TIM_Handler
2) Systick_Isr
Sent from my iPhone
2017-03-14 6:28 AM
Timings are 10ms for the TIM_Handler and 1ms for the tick_Isr.
2017-03-14 6:57 AM
Thank you very much...
And the last question (I promise you )
Is the UART_RxComplete_Callback is called in interrupt context or not ?
Sent from my iPhone
2017-03-15 3:29 AM
yes, it is
2017-03-15 3:58 AM
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