2019-03-25 3:31 PM
Hey All,
We are scratching our heads. These STEVAL-STRKT01 work fine for an hour than just stop transmitting.
We are using STEVAL-STRKT01 discovery LoRa Asset Tracker Dev-kits in Region US915 with a MachineQ Area-8C 8-channel gateway. Installed the latest firmware STM32CubeFunctionPack_LORA1_V2.0.1 (3/4/2018). We saw the same issue with V1.1.0.
We've played with every setting, timers, disable sensors, ADR OFF/ON etc., but always shuts off after about 1 hour. The only exception is disabling GNSS, after which the dev kit transmits forever.
We also have tried the B-L072Z-LRWAN1+X-NUCLEO -IKS01A2/GNSS1A sensor/GPSshields, essentially the same hardware but using the three dev board assembly. Again, stops after an hour.
If we shorten the duty cycle from 60 seconds to 30 seconds the broadcast time also cuts in half to about 1/2 hour.
Joining requests works fine using the lower 8 x 125 kHz channels. After a number of join requests and join accepts the STEVAL-STRKT01 transmits on Channel 64 (500 kHz) and gateway on channel 127. Once joined runs flawlessly until transmissions abruptly stop after about 60-80 transmissions.
The STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V1.2.1 project without GPS works fine, broadcasts forever using the B-L072Z-LRWAN1+X-NUCLEO -IKS01A2 sensor shield. Uses the lower 8 x 125 kHz channels 0-7.
We welcome any suggestions.
2024-07-08 4:34 AM
Hi, I have the same device. Can you please help me with it. I am unable to make it work.