2019-04-08 07:55 AM
When two Steval-FKI433V2 evaluation boards yet maintain connection, the S2LPRadioGetRssidBm() functions for both boards show about -103dBm...-104dBm.
I can't get less RSSI level.
Has the least possible RSSI the same value as the receiver sensitivity for the Steval-FKI433V2?
If yes, why declared receiver sensitivity (up to -130 dBm) is not achievable?
2019-04-14 07:23 PM
Hi bvn123,
It is simply because what you measured was not the receiver sensitivity.
The receiver sensitivity is the minimum power level of the signal at the receiver input,
produced by a carrier at the nominal frequency of the receiver,
modulated with the normal test signal modulation,
which produces 1% BER after demodulation without correction.
It will be better to measure conductive mode, with proper RF settings.
Best Regards,