2018-01-29 4:55 AM
We see a Factory Reset:1 When power cycling the SPWF04S. In about 80% of the times.
It is setup as a mini AP when the power cycle is done. Since the host is running lower UART speed than the SPWF04S it complicates things when the Factory default 115200 is used after Factory Reset.
AT-S.Var:fw_version=1.0.0AT-S.Var:boot_version=1.0 +WIND:0:Console active+WIND:3:Watchdog Running:20+WIND:32:WiFi Hardware Started+WIND:26:Started AP:GW_1002+WIND:24:WiFi Up:0: Up::fe80:0:0:0:280:e1ff:fec4:2d+WIND:1:Poweron:170216-fd39c59-SPWF04S+WIND:13:Copyright (c) 2012-2017 STMicroelectronics, Inc. All rights Reserved:SPWF04SA+WIND:65:Factory Reset:1+WIND:73:System Configuration Updated+WIND:0:Console active+WIND:3:Watchdog Running:20+WIND:32:WiFi Hardware Started+WIND:21:WiFi Scanning+WIND:35:WiFi Scan Complete:00+WIND:21:WiFi Scanning+WIND:35:WiFi Scan Complete:00#spwf04s #factory-reset2018-01-29 4:59 AM
And the questions: :)
Could the flash really be corrupted 80 % of the time?
How is this behaviour avoided?
Is it possible to change the factory settings? (Add new certificates, change speed, SSID etc.)
2018-01-29 2:04 PM
the config section is updated during bootstrap and a checksum is written to allow the verification of section consistency.
If a reset o power cycle is performed during this step then the config section will be partially updated and become inconsistent.
Hence, a reset or power drop/cycle must be avoided within, let's say, 1 second from boot.
The config factory setting is included in the FW at compile time and cannot be changed by AT command.
As far as I know, TLS and WPA-E certificates are not erased by factory restore.
2018-02-14 4:48 AM
I have a struggle with save the configuration into wifi module. The module lostd their configuration after a powerdown cycle, giving these messages:
+WIND:65:Factory Reset:1
+WIND:73:System Configuration UpdatedIt occurrs ALWAYS, and is very rarelly that preserve the configuration after a powerdown and boot. I followed the sugested steps to avoid that problem, leaving a 2 seconds of gap time between saving the configuration and powerdown, but occurs always the same, factory reset.
Are there some additonal advices to avoid this problem?
2018-02-20 7:38 AM
My guess is that the wifi module is booted while the power line is not stable.
Could you please verify there are not power drops during boot?
Could you please also try keeping the module reset when the power is given to the module and check if the two indications above are still printed? (e.g. if you are using a X-NUCLEO-IDW04A1, keep pressed the reset button, connect the power and then release the reset button)
2018-04-29 8:40 AM
I have the same problem. I introduce the module in Station mode and when I power down the module and power up I recieve the '
+WIND:65:Factory Reset:1'
I have 200 circuits with the spwf01 and all was ok.
I only have the problem with the spwf04.
Someone can help me? I am 5 days working at this problem and I am desespersted.
Best regards.
2018-05-01 12:11 AM
as I mentioned in the SPWF01 to SPWF04 migration thread, this could be a power up / sequencing issue.
After repowering, I always got a factory reset. I changed the the pull-up to a pull-down resistor at the reset line. Now I don't have this problem anymore.
It looks like the timing of my 3.3V voltage and the reset line are not in the right sequence for the module...