Dear,I believe you should also read the validity bit to check the channel data consistency.I suggest to look for it in the VD6283 driver (in STSW-IMG302 or X-CUBE-ALS from,Elio
Hello,not sure I got your point, I'll try to answer anyway...The reset requirements are the same as per STM32F4 which is the main controller on the SPWF04.There is already a weak pull-up on the reset line. An internal circuitry in the STM32 keeps the...
Hello,A CRC check failure may occur if something goes wrong in saving the configuration into the internal memory. This may also happen if the device resets during the boot phase for example because of a drop on power supply. My suggestion is to check...
Hello,The command "AT+S.WCFG" actually save the configuration to flash. The configuration is restored to factory when: AT+S.FCFG command is usedGPIO0 high at start-up, or reset line not stable (you should read "+WIND:65:Factory Reset:0" on serial con...