2018-03-28 8:00 AM
I have been able to use the File Print (AT+S.FSP) in some test situations, but now that I'm using it for real I'm not getting any results.
When I was performing my feasibility tests I was printing sections from within a small text file located in the Application volume.
When i try to do a similar task with a large text or binary file that is on the User Volume the command just hangs with no reply.
I can see from the FSL command that the file is present with the 'E' prefix indicating user volume.
Interestingly the AT+S.FSP command when echoed back is not terminated with 0x0D 0x0A as I would have expected (from seeing other command replied) but with 0x0D 0x00
The binary file is 173Kb in size and the text file was 486Kb in case there is a file limit issue with the command.
The command content I was sending was AT+S.FSP=/firmware.hex,0,256
It does not matter if I try to list the entire file using
AT+S.FSP=/firmware.hex,, as this also fails in the same manner.
So is there a known issue with either file size, or using the user flash space with the FSP command?
2018-03-28 8:42 AM
could you please report the string printed in +WIND:1:Poweron:... ?
2018-03-28 9:06 AM
Yes I've upgraded the device to Firmware V1.1.0 so the Wind1 message contents is:
Firmware was upgraded using fota with file 'SPWF04S-171117-0328fe3-Release.fota'.
I can get console debug from uVision for all messages if needed.
2018-03-28 9:16 AM
Tomorrow I'm going to try and put the small text file onto the user flash to see if it can still be read and hopefully eliminate one unknown factor.
2018-03-28 11:53 AM
There are not known issue with either file size or using any disk volume with the FSP command.
Actually, I just did a test printing a 17MB bin file from SD card and a 400K bin file from user volume.
Anyway, should you confirm the behavior, please give more details about your use case.
2018-03-29 1:35 AM
Thanks for doing these tests for me.
When you read your files were you reading the entire file or in chunks, if in chunks what size did you use?
I'll continue with my investigation today and update with any findings.
This is the log for what I'm doing, for clarity I've removed by apps state other than bullet markers relating to stages for the module setup. I'm using the UART interface so all test returned is prefixed with 'SPWF04: ' in the log non printable characters are in hex within square brackets.
Waiting for WiFi text...
SPWF04: 39:+WIND:1:Poweron:171117-0328fe3-SPWF04S[0D]
SPWF04: 88:+WIND:13:Copyright (c) 2012-2017 STMicroelectronics, Inc. All rights Reserved:SPWF04SA[0D]SPWF04: 23:+WIND:0:Console active[0D]
Console active - can start to talk to module
SPWF04: 28:+WIND:3:Watchdog Running:20[0D]
SPWF04: 26:AT+S.GCFG=nv_wifi_macaddr[0D]SPWF04: 43:AT-S.Var:nv_wifi_macaddr=00:80:E1:BD:F7:57[0D]SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]SPWF04: 20:AT+S.STS=fw_version[0D]SPWF04: 26:AT-S.Var:fw_version=1.1.0[0D]SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]SPWF04: 31:+WIND:32:WiFi Hardware Started[0D]Disable WiFi for configuration
SPWF04: 12:AT+S.WIFI=0[0D]
SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]SPWF04: 26:+WIND:49:WPA Terminated:0[0D]SPWF04: 27:+WIND:38:WiFi Powered Down[0D]WiFi Disabled - ready for configurationSPWF04: 21:AT+S.SSIDTXT=IconLab[0D]SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]SPWF04: 37:AT+S.SCFG=wifi_wpa_psk_text,NULLNULL[0D]SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]SPWF04: 27:AT+S.SCFG=wifi_priv_mode,0[0D]SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]SPWF04: 27:AT+S.SCFG=wifi_auth_type,0[0D]SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]SPWF04: 22:AT+S.SCFG=wifi_mode,1[0D]SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]SPWF04: 25:AT+S.SCFG=ip_use_dhcpc,1[0D]SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]SPWF04: 35:AT+S.SCFG=ip_ipaddr,[0D]SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]SPWF04: 35:AT+S.SCFG=ip_netmask,[0D]SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]SPWF04: 30:AT+S.SCFG=ip_gw,[0D]SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]SPWF04: 22:AT+S.SCFG=ip_use_v6,0[0D]SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]SPWF04: 26:AT+S.SCFG=sleep_enabled,1[0D]SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]SPWF04: 28:AT+S.SCFG=standby_enabled,0[0D]SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]SPWF04: 27:AT+S.SCFG=wifi_powersave,2[0D]SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]SPWF04: 35:AT+S.SCFG=wifi_operational_mode,11[0D]SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]SPWF04: 33:AT+S.SCFG=wifi_listen_interval,0[0D]SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]SPWF04: 31:AT+S.SCFG=wifi_beacon_wakeup,1[0D]SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]SPWF04: 12:AT+S.WIFI=1[0D]SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]SPWF04: 31:+WIND:32:WiFi Hardware Started[0D]WiFi configured and ready
SPWF04: 37:+WIND:19:WiFi Join:00:1B:2F:AE:FA:7F[0D]
SPWF04: 45:+WIND:25:WiFi Association successful:IconLab[0D]SPWF04: 33:+WIND:51:WiFi Handshake Complete[0D]SPWF04: 34:+WIND:24:WiFi Up:0:[0D]Network established
SPWF04: 26:+WIND:66:Low Power mode:2[0D]
SPWF04: 9:AT+S.FSL[0D]
SPWF04: 25:AT-S.Free RAM Disk:15360[0D]SPWF04: 26:AT-S.Free EXT Disk:476160[0D]SPWF04: 27:AT-S.File:E[09]0[09]contents.txt[0D]SPWF04: 31:AT-S.File:E[09]486826[09]WiVib-Q.hex[0D]SPWF04: 28:AT-S.File:I[09]766[09]favicon.ico[0D]SPWF04: 31:AT-S.File:I[09]3907[09]firstset.html[0D]SPWF04: 29:AT-S.File:I[09]0[09]FS_VER_002.txt[0D]SPWF04: 28:AT-S.File:I[09]3908[09]index.html[0D]SPWF04: 32:AT-S.File:I[09]12087[09]wiviblogo.jpg[0D]SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]SPWF04: 28:AT+S.FSP=/WiVib-Q.hex,0,256[0D]
2018-03-29 1:54 AM
I have just run the test I mentioned yesterday.
I put the same text file contents under different names into the Application and user volumes.
With the command
For the file on the application volume i get this:
SPWF04: 30:AT+S.FSP=/firstset.html,0,128[0D]
Reading Binary 0 128
WIFIModule_ProcessData:1280A 41 54 2D 53 2E 46 72 65 65 20 52 41 4D 20 44 69 73 6B 3A 31 35 33 36 30 0D 0A
41 54 2D 53 2E 46 72 65 65 20 45 58 54 20 44 69 73 6B 3A 34 37 32 30 36 34 0D 0A 41 54 2D 53 2E 46 69 6C 65 3A 45 09 30 09 63 6F 6E 74 65 6E 74 73 2E 74 78 740D 0A 41 54 2D 53 2E 46 69 6C 65 3A 45 09 33 39 30 37 09 63 6F 70 79 70 61 67 65 2E 68 74 6D 6C 0D 0A 41 54 2D 53 2E 46 69 6C 65 3A 45 09 34 38SPWF04: 8:AT-S.OK[0D]
For the file on the user volume i get this:
SPWF04: 30:AT+S.FSP=/copypage.html,0,128[0D]
Reading Binary 0 128and then it hangs while it looks for 128 characters that don't arrive.
Is there some special format for the filename depending on which volume it is located. All the examples I've seen append '/' to the start which I've taken was just to ensure it was from root, but does the user volume need a different prefix?
2018-03-29 2:52 AM
Possibly a breakthrough, although still not a solution yet:
I may have been masking some evidence that would not have been shown in my earlier logs.
I had previously seen that I was getting a null character returned at times int SPWF04 text which was causing parsing issues so I changed my text processing to ignore NULL and LF from the returning text stream (but not when returning binary file data).
When I removed this the logs shows an issue after I perform the AT+S.FSL command. For space I will remove all but the last few returned filenames from teh FSL command:
Unaltered firmware:
SPWF04: 29:AT-S.File:I[09]3908[09]index.html[0D][0A]
SPWF04: 33:AT-S.File:I[09]12087[09]wiviblogo.jpg[0D][0A]SPWF04: 9:AT-S.OK[0D][0A]SPWF04: 32:[00]AT+S.FSP=/copypage.html,0,128[0D][0A]SPWF04: 32:AT-S.ERROR:1:Command not found[0D][0A]I checked that I was not posting the null and then for completeness stopped sending commands after the FSl to see what happens:
SPWF04: 29:AT-S.File:I[09]3908[09]index.html[0D][0A]
SPWF04: 33:AT-S.File:I[09]12087[09]wiviblogo.jpg[0D][0A]SPWF04: 9:AT-S.OK[0D][0A]SPWF04: 51:[00]+WIND:84:NTP Server delivery:2018.3.29:4:9.37.12[0D][0A]So the NULL was not being sent and echoed back it was on the receive stream.
I then thought maybe I'm doing something wrong in my receive so I removed the FSL command:
SPWF04: 35:+WIND:24:WiFi Up:0:[0D][0A]
Network establishedSPWF04: 27:+WIND:66:Low Power mode:2[0D][0A]SPWF04: 31:AT+S.FSP=/copypage.html,0,128[0D][0A]SPWF04: 9:AT-S.OK[0D][0A]and it worked!
So I went back to my large file and yes as long as I don't do the FSL command and instead have the filelength as a constant it will read it.
So the original issue is resolved - I can read large files from the user volume, but is there any reason I'm seeing an extra NULL character after the AT-S.OK from a AT+S.FSL command?
2018-03-29 4:19 AM
Ok, final piece of info I think for today.
Even if I ignore any NULL characters that follow the FSL command, if I try to perform the file print after receiving a NULL, it doesn't complete.
As I need to list the files to find the file size for the file print (otherwise wit UART I have no idea how many characters will be returned), I have introduced a workaround in which I perform a hard reset of the device after the FSL command and then once its reset I then print th efile contents.
This is working so we at least have a product solution even if it is a little messy.
2018-03-30 12:18 AM
Can you type your command sequence directly to the SPWF04 UART interface from a terminal (e.g. teraterm,)?
Actually, there are unexpected characters in your log. For example you should expect [0A] as line terminator but receiving [0D][0A]