2017-03-31 4:29 AM
Hi All, I need to send information using the uart of my
SPWF01SA wifi module. I have seen that uI need to use the signal TXD1 but i dont know if it is possible send data to this signal using http.
I have made some test using the remote.html to send data to a ping to turn on a led and it is working correctly
It is possible to send data to the UART using http ?
#uart #spwf01sa2017-03-31 5:53 AM
you can use the output.cgi (the remote.cgi is used to perform advanced operations, e.g. change configuration variables).
2017-03-31 7:25 AM
Ok, many thanks, i will try and one question more. I am microsoft sofware developer and I don't know if there exist any library to interact with this kind of devices. I have seen a project in GitHut to connect and send comand using a com port but maybe it is possible that one the device is join to the network make a connnection by the IP and execute commands.
Is this possible ?
thanks in advance.
2017-03-31 4:04 PM
ST reference for SPWF0xS modules management is called X-CUBE-WIFI1. Available here: