2014-12-19 12:13 PM
From the landing page on the SPIRIT1 Radio, if i want to operate 915/922 MHz Band - what is required to get started? Can I use two of the Dongles evaluation modules -
STEVAL0IKRV001V5 (on a computer perhaps with 2 USB ports) or one each of the STEVAL-IKR002V5 and the above USB Dongle part STEVAL01KRV001V5. Thank you for your help. #spirit12015-01-14 12:42 AM
maybe there's a misundarstanding: the SPIRIT1 USB Dongle is the demonstration board described here:http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/FM116/SC1075/PF258713?s_searchtype=keyword#
and whose part number is STEVAL-IDS001V5.Instead, the STEVAL-IKR002V5 SPIRIT1 Evaluation Kit contains:http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF259026
So, to use the kit, take one RF module and plug it into one motherboard, and connect the motherboard to a PC by means of the USB cable. Do the same for the remaining RF module/motherboard. You can find the related User Manual here;http://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/user_manual/DM00092275.pdf
Regards,Gaetano Panvini