2018-07-01 7:21 AM
I am trying to develop a new product with the SPBTLE-1S module, my idea is to use the module connected to a uC by UART.
Looking in the datasheet I see that the pinout description changes depending on the 'Mode', but I can't find anywhere how these modes are set.
Could anyone help me?
I am on the point of defining the hardware connections.
Many thanks
#spbtle-1s2018-07-01 10:38 PM
Hi Bernat,
SPBTLE-1S is a module based on BlueNRG-1 SoC.
Please refer to
, Section 3.12Best Regards,Winfred
2018-07-06 11:37 PM
Try to use 'Chat' example from SDK, it provides UART<->BLE or 'DTM' example if you want to have direct HCI access to BLE stack