2019-03-17 2:10 AM
Hi, i have a problem and don't find any solution yet.
I do some mistake and st-link part of my board doesn't communicate to mcu part.
Actually I'm not sure the problem but, when I search all internet and assume that the problems is this.
When I connect to board with usb cable to pc, there are 32kb mass storage, it should 512kb. And I'm able to change firmware and try all new and old that I can find, nothing solved. Just some firmware error like "swd error" some of "reset/halt the target mcu.
My other post:
I'm find this video and assume that my problem is same:
Now I know this st community very small but I believe there is some people to help.
2019-03-17 6:14 AM
With Stm32CubeProgrammer , try mode "under reset" and reset mode ""Hardware reset". Probably you have remapped the SWD pin, or missing SWD jumper or some thight programm loop.
2019-03-18 8:42 AM
I open the cube programmer and update the firmware in all reset mode. But in the end, there is a fail document in the mass storage, and it says "the interface firmware failed to reset/halt the target mcu".
Programmer doesn't connect, says "no stm32 found" but, it read st-link serial number and firmware version.
I don't have enough kwonledge. Please explain a bit more..
2019-03-23 6:36 AM
I do something and board run as normally except mcu get very hot.
I connect to 5V power out to the IOREF pin and do nothing if it's connect board work fine but remove the cable turns faulty again. Maybe this help to figure out what happened the board.