2024-10-24 06:03 PM
I purchased the parts of BD682 from Future. And I found the location of the packaging holes, some leaking copper, some exposed iron, and some plastic sealing, I am worried about affecting the corrosion resistance of the material.
Could you help suggest whether the parts are good?
2024-11-08 11:09 AM
Thank you for contacting STMicroelectronics.
For your information, questions about device quality and authenticity can be submitted directly to the ST Online Support Team at https://my.st.com/ols.
Your inquiry has been escalated to the ST Online Support team.
Kind Regards,
ST Support
2024-11-12 05:11 PM
Hello SuriChan123,
The image provided shows two different part numbers. Originally, you asked about the BD682 but the BD681 also appears in the image. Please confirm that both parts pictured, the BD681 and BD682, were purchased from directly from Future.
Kind Regards,
ST Support
2024-11-12 05:32 PM
Hi Christian,
Yes, both parts were purchased from directly from Future.
I just want to know whether the package is good for use, can you suggest it?
2024-11-13 08:23 PM
Hi Christian,
Yes, both parts were purchased from directly from Future.
I just want to know whether the package is good for use, can you suggest it?