2022-09-05 10:07 PM
I am working on a CAN Bus project with TCAN1051 and STM32G0. In this project i have to send approx. 175 bytes of data though CAN. It will take around 22 frames to send this data. And i can't figure out how to send all the frames. If i send all of them at once i might get RX_FIFO overflow error. Can anyone help me with this. Thanks
2022-09-06 12:30 AM
//check space in the mailbox
howmanyTXmailboxes = HAL_CAN_GetTxMailboxesFreeLevel(hcan_object_reference);
if (howmanyTXmailboxes > 0) {
status = HAL_CAN_AddTxMessage(hcan_object_reference, &canTxheader,
messageTxData, &pTxMailbox);
if (status != HAL_OK) {
//Canbus_Error_handler(1); //error de transmision
HAL_CAN_AbortTxRequest(hcan_object_reference, CAN_TX_MAILBOX0+CAN_TX_MAILBOX1+CAN_TX_MAILBOX2);//empty all mailboxes
Or, If you dont want to get very smart about it, a simple HAL_Delay(10) in between canbus TX should be enough (at 125Kbauds)
2022-09-06 2:03 AM
Okay got it, Thanks.