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L9780 - SPI communication issue

Associate II


I'm working on the basics of getting the SPI communication set up for the L9780 IC and am running into some issues, so I'd appreciate some feedback or a double-check. It appears so far that I'm able to send a command via the control word and successfully echo that back when the REG=1 bit is set. When doing so, the CB bits are correct, so everything seems to be functioning as intended.

My issue is that I'm getting a SPI fault when REG=0 to get the status register as an output. The CB[1,0] bits are correct, however SPIF1 is asserted. The datasheet has a few sections on this so I'll address each of them:

  • 5.5.1 SPI data fault
    • Datasheet says this is set when the CB[1,0] bits are not set as expected.
    • My base control word is 0x00040F18192A8040 which appears to be OK.
    • When enabling VCCS and INRC, byte 14 and 13 get updated so the word is 0x02040F.... and 0x0244F.... respectively.
    • Additionally when getting my "echo" of the SI register, the control word is 0x0A440F18192A8040 which also appears to be OK.
  • 5.5.2 SPI length fault
    • Datasheet states that SPIF1 is asserted when receiving an SPI frame with a length different from [64 + (n*8)] bits
    • This one I'm not 100% sure on with respect to the (n*8) term. Is this applicable only if running the L9780 in a "Daisy chain" configuration where more than one 64b word gets sent in a SPI frame? Basically, is it just stating that the reg is expecting to get byte width communication over SPI? So if the CSN was asserted or a clock pulse was given such that 7bits or 9bits were received, then the length fault would occur?
  • 5.5.3 Invalid command fault
    • SPIF1 asserted if one of the 4 command conflicts listed occur
    • This one also appears to be OK. Per the datasheet and the control word I listed above, it looks like I'm ok. The only part I have a question on is conditions 3 and 4; It states for 3 that when VCCS is enabled, that SPIF1 is asserted if the frame modifies VCCSOUT, COMPSEL, or VCCSCAP[x] bits. This should only happen on these bits being changed, correct? Continuing to send the control word I started with should not be changing these bits from their previous state, so am I correct in my understanding that this should not be triggered?


The last thing I really need to do is get a logic analyzer on the SPI lines and verify that what I'm seeing in my FW is what's really being transmitted. As mentioned above, I'm able to echo-back the same word that I'm sending but if its a "two wrongs make a right" situation something could still be incorrect.

Appreciate the time, thanks!