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I want to use the en.x-cube-subg1_firmware for the X-NUCLEO-IDS01A5 (based on SPSGRF-915) expansion board. I'm a novice and struggling to identify hardware specific files adaptations vs the example project (for example STM32L152RE-Nucleo)

Associate II

(I think I posted this in the wrong location initially. Reposting here )

I am wanting to use stm32L476rg - a nucleo decelopment board that does not include SPSGRF. I am working on learning to communicate via SPSGRF from the nucleo to the STM32 IOT discovery kit - which includes SPSGRF integrated.

Please comment on what files or code you would look at to integrate this library. There are a lot of files, and I have a hard time identifying which parts are hardware specific to the example's target (STM32L152RE-Nucleo). I'm using Keil in case that matters.

Thank you in advance for your time.



Not sure there's a 5 minute answer here.

You might want to invest in static analysis tools so you can more easily understand the code as delivered. Review the pin and peripheral usage on the ​original implementation, and compare and contrast that with your new target.

Create a shell project for the target hardware, and then pull and merge in content from the original.

Perhaps you have colleagues with differing sw/hw perspectives that could assist or advise.​

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