2018-07-31 9:00 AM
I am trying to read attribute from connected slave device on my BLE master device.
Both devices are BlueNRG-1, the first device is configured as slave, the second device is configured as master/slave.
In master mode I try this code to read attribute value after successfully connected to slave:
aci_gatt_read_char_value(connection_handle, attribute_handle);
I have set actual connection_handle which I got on master device and attribute_handle which I know on slave device.
aci_gatt_read_char_value(...) return SUCCESS, and I should get the result (the attribute value) in aci_att_read_resp_event(...) but I have no response.
aci_att_read_resp_event() is not called.
Please, provide any suggestions.
In advance thanks,
Evgeny Boltunov
2018-08-09 7:15 PM
@ST Community who is supporting BlueNRG?