2019-05-07 10:20 PM
I am looking for a way to program into the Eval board IS31FL3741 so that I can control FxLED.
I have tried controlling it externally using Arduino, but looking out for a way to dump the code into the Eval Board mentioned above. I tried connecting the SWDIO and SWCLK pins to STlink but it doesn't seem to detect the board.
Is there a way to program the Eval board directly?
Link to the Eval Board documentation:
2019-05-08 02:14 AM
I do not see a STM32F103C8x on IS31FL3741-QFLS4-EB . Take e.g. a nucleo board and connect the nucleo arduino connectors like the picture shows the AVR ardunio connections. Then programm the Nucleo MCU with the STLink.
2019-05-08 04:06 AM
2019-05-08 04:07 AM
Please take a look at the the link for STM32F103C8x in:
Can I get more information about how I can use nucleo-arduino connection? Maybe a link or an example.
2019-05-09 01:45 AM
And besides, there is no RESET pin provided to run it with nucleo board. Thereby not detecting the board in STM32cubeprogrammer.
I would like to know the way to access the bootloader.