2019-04-10 3:16 AM
Currently i am aware of different methods to connect them. But i am most interested in LTDC. I have tried using old protocols like Motorola 6800 Parralel RGB. But Touch screens of bigger size and bigger resolution available on Alibaba for example does not support them.
Please correct me in my understanding if i am wrong that for bigger screen size and bigger resolution old protocols like Motorola 6800 , Intel® 8080 bus and SPI protocol wont work. Because bigger touch screens found in market does not have them.
Will Parallel RGB connection be able to work with bigger screen. If yes can u give me a link for that.
The devices i see are coming with lvds connection. Will they be able to work with stm32 discovery kits. If yes than how.
Finally can u suggest me some good working tutorials for them apart of datasheet.
Thank You !!!