2020-01-09 09:43 AM
I'm trying to get basic FOTA working with the example binary from en.fp-cld-azure download (Azure_IoTCentral_BL.bin).
I have the example binary loaded on the board and successfully connecting and communicating with my Azure IoT Central app.
I added the update command with the field name "FirmwareUpdate" and a text input field with the field name "FwPackageUri"
To do a basic test, I uploaded the binary to google drive and then sent the firmware update command with the URL to the binary, but it is failing (see errors below).
Not sure where to go from here as I thought this would be a simple start. I made sure that the google link is public so permissions shouldn't be an issue.
URL I used:
Received firmware update request. Use package at: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ird5B47Gq-e_SYX6hq5piiRBeszj_w6t/view?usp=sharing/Azure_IoTCentral_BL.bin]
Channel 1 for Timer 1 stopped
Download FOTA from: HostName=[drive.google.com] Type=[Secure] port=[443] File=[/file/d/1ird5B47Gq-e_SYX6hq5piiRBeszj_w6t/view?usp=sharing/Azure_IoTCentral_BL.bin]
Ok reported State [2]: Downloading
-->DeviceTwin CallBack [2]: Status_code = 204
Ok io_interface_description
Ok xio_create
Ok xio_open
Ok xio_send HEAD Request
Err... retriving the Full OTA Size...(Content-Length:)
Err... retriving the Full OTA Size...(Content-Length:)
Err... retriving the Full OTA Size...(Content-Length:)
(Content-Length:) Full OTA size=0
Err... retriving the Full OTA Size...(Content-Length:)
Err... retriving the Full OTA Size...(Content-Length:)
Err... retriving the Full OTA Size...(Content-Length:)
Err... retriving the Full OTA Size...(Content-Length:)
Err... retriving the Full OTA Size...(Content-Length:)
Err... retriving the Full OTA Size...(Content-Length:)
Err... retriving the Full OTA Size...(Content-Length:)
Err... retriving the Full OTA Size...(Content-Length:)
Err... retriving the Full OTA Size...(Content-Length:)
Err... retriving the Full OTA Size...(Content-Length:)
Err... retriving the Full OTA Size...(Content-Length:)
Err... retriving the Full OTA Size...(Content-Length:)
Err... retriving the Full OTA Size...(Content-Length:)
Err... retriving the Full OTA Size...(Content-Length:)
Err... retriving the Full OTA Size...(Content-Length:)
Err... retriving the Full OTA Size...(Content-Length:)
Err During FOTA... Sorry retry...
Ok reported State [3]: DownloadFailed
-->DeviceTwin CallBack [3]: Status_code = 204
The Board will wait 5 Seconds before to send Sensor Data again
Channel 1 for Timer 1 started
Ok reported State [4]: Running
IoTHubClient_LL_SendEventAsync accepted message [27] for transmission to IoT Hub.
Confirmation received for message [27] with result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_OK