2015-10-06 7:31 AM
2015-10-08 6:53 AM
2015-10-08 9:26 AM
Hi Mark,
forgive me for the stupid question... are you crossing RTS/CTS lines between SPWF and external MCU? Can you share the schematic? Just a double check.Using an oscilloscope, I correctly see RTS line up and down, according to module buffer full/empty.ciaoj2015-10-08 10:02 AM
2015-10-08 10:08 AM
I was expecting a ''yes'' as reply :)
I mean:- module CTS to MCU RTS- module RTS to MCU CTS- same on Tx/Rx lines..2015-10-08 10:21 AM
2015-10-16 7:38 AM
i'm working with spwf01 module and trying to enable hardware flow control using the AT cmd at+s.scfg=console1_hwfc,1.But when enabled the module didn't give any data on the tx line. I'm using baud rate at 115200, but even with higher baudrates don't work.Any ideas?2015-10-16 10:25 AM
2015-10-19 1:48 AM
I Mark,
I used an oscilloscope and also my RTS line seems to stay low all the time. This is very strange!I found my problem, it was an issue in the configuration of the uart of my mcu. Now it works. I also changed the parameter wifi_rts_threshold to 0, so the RTS control is always active, did you?I think you can't drive the CTS line low because this is a read input only before you assert the RTS line and next you send data to rx line...What mcu are you using?2015-10-19 2:43 AM
2015-10-19 12:45 PM
Hi Mark,
- you are right: wifi_rts_threshold has no impact on UART. - Boot application has no impact on UART management. - About RTS, you can refer to this thread: https://my.st.com/public/STe2ecommunities/interface/Lists/WiFi%20Modules/Flat.aspx?RootFolder=%2fpublic%2fSTe2ecommunities%2finterface%2fLists%2fWiFi%20Modules%2fData%20loss%20using%20SPWF01SA%20%28multiples%20of%202kiB%29&FolderCTID=0x01200200770978C69A1141439FE559EB459D75800086789498A6852D4897EA19... Another user identified an overrun, under fix for next release. About your case: 1 - you are loosing data - refer to thread above 2 - you are not loosing data, but want to be sure that RTS stop-start external host - you can take a look at screenshot attached into thread above from user If you want, I can share the simple project for STM32F4Discovery I used for test overrun into thread above. ''Test overrun'' means ''the proof that RTS switch but data are lost anyway'' ciao jerry