2014-08-11 2:24 AM
I'm developing a device based on the BlueNRG. I worked on the support of flash BlueNRG from my firmware, but during a flash error occurred (probably due to an incorrect program address). After flash failed BlueNRG does not respond, as in my firmware and through the RF MOTHERBOARD vers. 3.0 (BLUENRG_GUI.exe).Is there a way to restore the firmware? Maybe can I download the firmware via JTAG?Software engineer, Andrei Kukenov.Regards. #recovery #flash #bluenrg #image2014-08-12 1:46 AM
Hi Andrei,
I'm not part of the ST team, I'm a developper. But I think I can answer to your problem. If you check the attached pdf you can see that the 8., 9., and the pins are the JTAG pinouts. If you connect them to a programmer you might be able to program the original firmware which can be donwloaded from the ST's website. The firmwares are located in the BlueNRG GUI's installation folder. Best regards, G ________________ Attachments : DM00097377.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Ht2r&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000aJF%2FXa0kMuJiCfxBG.I5_kQ8Qf.szs2ktVaPqPdmJbZ6cUs&asPdf=false2014-08-12 7:11 AM
Thank you very much for your reply. I have already connected to the module via the j-link, but I don't know how to flash the firmware, so much so programmer does not know the device with this id, and therefore can not erase and flash. Also it is not clear to what address I need to flash up the firmware...
Regards2014-08-13 1:32 AM
You're right. That won't be easy since there is no data available in any document which describes the structure of flash (or I cannot find it). So sorry that I can't help you.g2014-11-20 6:40 AM
Hi All,
To update the firmware inside the BlueNRG, you have to use the BLUENRG_GUI. To use the GUI, the VCOM firmware (BlueNRG_VCOM_1_3.hex) must be flashed inside the STM32L.
To understand how to proceed, please read the document ''User manual BlueNRG development kits'' (UM1686) that you can download at the following link:
Graziella Marchese2015-01-07 2:45 PM
Dear Marchese / ST:
I have X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1. Accessing f/w version by running Virtual COM port sample app and BlueNRG GUI v1.6.0 showed this: HW v3.0 FW v6.3 So I updated FW to v6.4 and now the advertising / BLE is broken. I tried both of these: bluenrg_6_4_Mode_2-16MHz-XO32K.img bluenrg_6_4_Mode_2-32MHz-XO32K.img Neither one works. The BlueNRG is apparently still responsive across the SPI bus, as now the BlueNRG GUI v1.6.0 shows this: HW v3.0 FW v6.4 I suspect that I need a N.img image for this newer board, as the images referenced above are from a BlueNRG DK 1.6.0 installation, whereas the sample apps used to talk to it are from a X-CUBE-BLE1 installation. Thanks for any help...2015-01-09 4:40 AM
EVT_BLUE_GAP_DEVICE_FOUND structure has changed -it now reports RSSI and scan data (I think). If you download the latest SDK it has version 1.6.0 code, you are probably using SDK 1.5.0
2015-01-21 7:56 AM
which nucleo motherboard are you using? L1, L0, F4?
which VCOM firmware have you loaded on the motherboard?
Assuming that the fw image ''bluenrg_6_4_Mode_2-16MHz-XO32K.im''g has been correctly loaded (as showed in the GUI), have you tried to run basic command as GATT_INIT, GAP_INIT with the GUI?
Are they run with success? (Check the HCI_COMMAND_COMPLETE Status =Success)?If yes, the BlueNRG fw upgrade should be ok, so another test that you could to do is to set the TX power as follow:
ACI_HAL_SET_TX_POWER_LEVEL(0x01,0x04) and verify if the device is correctly advertising or not. The Tx Power settings address an issue which is documented in the device errata (see section 1.3). You can download the document at the following link:http://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/errata_sheet/DM00133230.pdf
Best Regards,
Graziella Marchese2015-01-21 3:46 PM
Hello - I have a X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 mounted onto a Nucleo-STM32F401 and am using the sample apps from the X-CUBE-BLE1 v2.2.
Before programming the X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 with v6.4, the sample apps would advertise, now they do not. The SPI protocol is still working, just that the BlueNRG no longer is seen over the air. I suspicion that I have programmed a bluenrg v6.4 built for older h/w, a previous sdk. I found the images buried in some ''BlueNRG DK v1.6.0'' which I cannot now find on the ST website - I don't even know where I first ever got it now (I got it legally, either from the ST website or from the installer disc for the ST seminar). Even the GUI messages for ''upgrading the motherboard'' are outdated, talking about verifying that it is in loader mode by an orange LED, the Nucleo-STM32F401 only seems to have a Green LED (and of course the red led indicating power).2015-01-21 3:53 PM
Ok, I just found where is this mysterious v1.6.0:
http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF259737 Thanks to this post: https://my.st.com/public/STe2ecommunities/interface/Lists/Low%20Power%20RF%20Solutions/Flat.aspx?RootFolder=%2fpublic%2fSTe2ecommunities%2finterface%2fLists%2fLow%20Power%20RF%20Solutions%2fdriver%20and%20application%20built%20for%20BlueNRG&FolderCTID=0x01200200770978C69A1141439FE559EB459D7580008F23... But that v1.6.0 is for ''STEVAL-IDB002V1'' and I have the new ''X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1'', so the bluenrg images cannot be compatible, yes? And yet they are compatible enough to still drive the SPI interface (but not get over the air advertising)?