2016-01-19 10:51 PM
Good Morning,
I tried the FirstSet function and it worked fine without special characters. I tried it also with percentage encoding, but it doesn't work, like expected. The FirstSet function is a good way to configure a device with limited user input possibilites. But it is mandatory to use special characters for the password. So, is it planed to add some encoding (e.g. percentage encoding'') to the FirstSet function, so that I can use this function for networks with passwords with special characters? Cheers, Flow2016-01-19 11:22 PM
Yes, it's coming
j2016-01-20 6:40 AM
Hi Jerry,
nice to hear - will this fixed in the next release? Cheers, Flow2016-01-20 6:47 AM
A new configuration variable allows to enable decoding of:- special characters: !''£$%^& etc...- html entities: &#.....;- use raw hex data: supporting non-standard character sets2016-02-02 11:27 PM
Hi Jerry,
I updated the module and tried the firstset function. Do I have to change some settings, that the module will decode the URL? The passkey is in the wifi_wpa_psk_text register still in hex coding. Thank you. Cheers, Flo2016-02-03 12:31 AM
There a new variable called ip_use_decoder.
- 0 = no decoding [default]- 1 = RAW decoding- 2 = UTF-8 decoding- 6 = HTML entities decodingtry 62016-02-03 1:28 AM
Edit: Simple Android App for using the ''First Set'' function:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.broi.spwf01 Hi Jerry, perfect - it works. Mille grazie. Regards, Flow