2022-01-27 9:06 PM
An error occurs in WISE-Studio when migration occurs from BlueNRG-355xy to BlueNRG-345xy.
I worked with reference to "How to move a demo application from BlueNRG-355xy to BlueNRG-345xy" in the https://www.st.com/resource/en/user_manual/dm00711446-bluenrglp-development-kits-stmicroelectronics.pdf document.
• WiSE-Studio toolchain: – open the WiSE-Studio .cproject file and replace BlueNRG-355 with BlueNRG-345 – in [Projects][Properties][C/C++ Build][Settings][Tool Settings][GCC C Compiler][Preprocessor] [Defined Symbols], add CONFIG_DEVICE_BLUENRG_345 – in [Projects][Properties][C/C++ Build][Settings][Tool Settings][GCC Linker][Miscellaneous][Other linker flags], add CONFIG_DEVICE_BLUENRG_345=1
make -j4 all
Building target: BLE_MultipleConnections.elf
Invoking: GCC Linker
arm-none-eabi-gcc -mcpu=cortex-m0plus -mthumb -mfloat-abi=soft -nostartfiles -nodefaultlibs -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-Map="BLE_MultipleConnections.map" -T"../BlueNRG_LP.ld" -L../../../../../../Middlewares/ST/Bluetooth_LE/Library -L../../../../../../Middlewares/ST/cryptolib -Wl,--cref, CONFIG_DEVICE_BLUENRG_345=1 --specs=nano.specs -o "BLE_MultipleConnections.elf" -Wl,--start-group @"objects.list" -lbluenrg_lp_stack -lcrypto -lm -lc -Wl,--end-group
arm-none-eabi-gcc: error: CONFIG_DEVICE_BLUENRG_345=1: No such file or directory
make: *** [BLE_MultipleConnections.elf] Error 1
makefile:57: recipe for target 'BLE_MultipleConnections.elf' failed
"make -j4 all" terminated with exit code 2. Build might be incomplete.
14:11:12 Build Failed. 2 errors, 0 warnings. (took 1s.169ms)
Which part should be modified?
2022-02-03 6:39 AM
Hi @Ayden ,
Unfortunately, issue you noticed is vali and will be soon fixed within next SDK release.
Same subject was discussed here : https://community.st.com/s/feed/0D53W00001Kyo3ESAR
As I wrote in other thread, possible workaround are :
Thanks for your understanding.
2022-02-03 7:05 AM
Hi again @Ayden ,
Let me share with you proper change to switch a project to BlueNRG-345 with Wise :
2022-02-06 3:16 PM
Hi Sebastien
Your comment helped me a lot. Thank you.