2014-07-22 03:19 AM
am using Demo-CR95HF-A MB983 board. I need to increase the Rf power. I read the datasheet of CR95. There it was written to bring the VPS_tx pin in 5V operation. I measure the voltage on this pin and i found it 3.3 V . Dont know how to provide 5V on this pin on this board . Please help. Schematic of board : http://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/layouts_and_diagrams/schematic_pack/demo-cr95hf-a_sch.pdfv #cr95hf-rf-stm322014-07-22 03:29 AM
Sorry dear customer,
but the Low Power RF Solutions forum is exclusively dedicated to Bluetooth Low Energy and Spirit1 devices, thus here you cannot find the right support you deserve.Regards,
Low Power RF Solutions support team