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SPBT2632C2A iOS discoverability and settings/firmware for new Android app

Posted on July 31, 2014 at 02:02


I have a couple of questions about the SPBT2632C2A Bluetooth module. First when I set the Class of Device (COD) variable to 040680 the module is no longer discover-able on iOS devices such as an iPad. When the COD variable is at its default setting it is discover-able on iOS devices. So why would changing it to 040680 cause it be no longer discover-able? Is there a setting to fix that or would that require a modification in the firmware?

Also I am testing the module with a new Android application and for some reason the application does not find it when the module is paired with the Android tablet. Is there a firmware modification that needs to be made before the module can be used with new applications on Android?

And another issue I have with Android is that when the COD is set to 040680 the module's icon is not always a printer. Most of the time the icon is just the default icon for Bluetooth devices in Android. So would this issue require a firmware modification to fix?

And I do realize that this forum is meant for standard Bluetooth parts but I just want my message to be seen by someone at ST and just want a quicker response.
Posted on August 25, 2014 at 11:07

Sorry dear customer,

but the Low Power RF Solutions forum is exclusively dedicated to Bluetooth Low Energy and Spirit1 devices, thus here you cannot find the right support you deserve.


Low Power RF Solutions support team