2015-02-25 9:01 AM
Reading some discussions I noticed that some versions allow 3 serial consoles and some my just 1 console.
Is it right? There is anyway to ''create'' a second console to uart com?Older versions of UM1695 have the same infos!2015-02-25 11:39 PM
Hi Daniel,
currently, only one UART is enabled.I think very old FW version (and manuals too) used 3 UARTs.This possibility was removed into FW 20140417, namely FW3.0. Nobody used it before!If I can ask you, why do you neeed more that one UART?jerry2015-02-26 3:22 AM
Monitor the console (RX/TX2) and communicate to a host(RX/TX1) simultaneously or change configurations without lose communication to he host.
2015-02-27 5:38 AM
So, you need a continuous Data Mode. Don't you?
I mean, since module is always in Command Mode, communication is never lost with external host.The only way to ''lost'' communication with external host is entering Socket Server Data Mode enabled. Only that time the host is not able to send command without turning off Data Mode.j