2015-02-18 4:55 AM
I' m implementing a driver right on top of the HCI interface.I can get most of the events I need except the ''LE Advertising report'' event.I know the BlueNRG chipset receives a Advertising message from over the air (this is what a external sniffer tells me), but for some reasons, this message gets stuck within the chipset.Does the BlueNRG chipset require a specific initialization to pass the events thru the app? What HCI commands should I send to have the chipset send me this event?Thank you all,2015-02-19 1:49 AM
Dear Customer,
if you are using the firwmare stack version 6.4, the advertising event that passed trough the app is EVT_BLUE_GAP_DEVICE_FOUND (HCI_VENDOR). Regards, Graziella Marchese2015-02-23 4:28 AM
2015-02-23 5:37 AM
the EVT_BLUE_GAP_DEVICE_FOUND event contains the Address and ADV data. If you have any doubts, send me the raw packet. Regards, Graziella2015-02-23 6:14 AM
Here is the General Discovery proc I send:
--> 0x01-0x97-0xfc-0x06-0x00-0x40-0x00-0x40-0x00-0x01.Followed by a ''pending'' answer and a response with a MAC address<-- 0x04-0x0f-0x04-0x00-0x01-0x97-0xfc.
<-- 0x04-0xff-0x09-0x06-0x04-0x00-0xfc-0x68-0xb7-0x72-0x39-0xd0.
Pb: there is no ADV data even though this ADV data is sent by the remote sensor (seen on a sniffer).
2015-02-23 6:23 AM
Are you using the Nucleo board IDB04A1? Regargs, Graziella2015-02-23 6:31 AM
No, I'm working on a proprietary design with your BlueNRG chipset.
2015-02-27 6:09 AM
Dear Customer,
Sorry but I don't understand because you don't see the ADV. The EVT_BLUE_GAP_DEVICE_FOUND should contain the ADV data. Can you give me futher details? regards, graziella