2014-07-17 9:52 AM
I'm trying to connect to SPBT2632C2A.AT2 of mobile applications for Android. I need SPP profile.I took as the basis for this example
Mobile device creates a couple with SPBT2632C2A.AT2 successfully.But connection fails, an exception occurs.
Here's the code:function ConnectDvc(Address:String) : Boolean;
var BA : JBluetoothAdapter; Dvc : JBluetoothDevice; Sock : JBluetoothSocket; UID : JUUID; begin Result := false; BA := TJBluetoothAdapter.JavaClass.getDefaultAdapter; Dvc := BA.getRemoteDevice(StringToJString(Address)); // This is the well known SPP UUID for connection to a Bluetooth serial device UID := TJUUID.JavaClass.fromString(stringtojstring('00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB')); Sock := Dvc.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(UID); try Sock.connect; Result := true; except Result := false; end; end;What am I doing wrong?
The correct
that I use
?2014-07-21 5:47 AM
Sorry dear customer,
but the Low Power RF Solutions forum is exclusively dedicated to Bluetooth Low Energy and Spirit1 devices, thus here you cannot find the right support you deserve.Regards,
Low Power RF Solutions support team