2018-03-12 1:35 PM
Posts spanning a month with no attention
‌null2018-03-15 8:47 PM
Hi Clive,
we acknowledge the delay and I have just pinged the people in charge.
Thanks for having pinged us and don't hesitate to do it again should the issuepersist.
2018-03-16 2:44 AM
Hi Clive,
we are taking care of your request, you'll get an answer to your request in the related pages ASAP.
2018-03-16 8:39 AM
Thank you, I was getting a bit agitated the other day and a lot of this comes over my feed here despite not being in forums I actively follow. Not a big fan of bumping threads, but none of Dat's questions received any attention, and that looks to be a systemic issue rather than a poorly framed question.
I would also like to see some clarity to the SPWF04SA life cycle and follow up products on the road map. Several users have reported being told the product is EOL/NRND while being listed as active on the product page.
While I understand that product cycles on WiFi/Radio parts are frequently a lot tighter, the people you have marketed these parts too are used to CPU parts they can use in products for 5-10 years. When their design cycle, or ramp to full scale deployment, takes 12-18 months they get annoyed when told the product is dead already. Consistency in messaging is also important.
I know marketing likes playing smoke and mirrors, but you need to be much more open and transparent about roadmaps and drop-in replacements, otherwise you're going to get a lot of annoyed and disaffected engineers, and $M of wasted resources and marketing.