2015-11-09 11:37 AM
Hey folks,
Here's what I've got:A module with140805-3f58d6b-SPWF01S firmware.
I attempt to fw update to 3.4 over the air and the module downloads everything but doesn't seem to apply the firmware update to the module. Here is the transaction:at+s.fwupdate=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX,/SPWF01S-150410-c2e37a3-RELEASE-main.ota.....................(many other rows of Write len 4096 -> 0xXXXXX)................. Write len 4096 -> 0x52000 Write len 4096 -> 0x53000 Write len 4096 -> 0x54000 Write len 4096 -> 0x55000 Write len 4096 -> 0x56000 Write len 4096 -> 0x57000 Write len 4096 -> 0x58000 Write len 4096 -> 0x59000 Write len 4096 -> 0x5A000 Write len 4096 -> 0x5B000 Write len 4096 -> 0x5C000 Write len 4096 -> 0x5D000 Write len 4096 -> 0x5E000 Write len 4096 -> 0x5F000 Write len 1812 -> 0x60000 (final) Wrote 390932 bytes Complete! Update will be applied on next reboot. (at+cfun=1) at+cfun=1+WIND:2:Reset+WIND:32:WiFi Hardware Started+WIND:21:WiFi Scanning+WIND:35:WiFi Scan Complete (0x0)+WIND:19:WiFi Join:00:30:44:14:B6:F3+WIND:25:WiFi Association with 'WifiTestJig' successful+WIND:51:WPA Handshake Complete+WIND:24:WiFi Up: Status & Statistics:# version = 140805-3f58d6b-SPWF01S Any suggestions?2015-11-09 11:55 AM
Hi Seth,
are you using GPIO0?ciaojerry2015-11-09 12:08 PM
I'm not, but I do have it wired to an IO on an STM32. What should I do with it?Thanks,-Seth2015-11-09 12:19 PM
GPIO0 high at startup (after FWUPGRADE and FSUPGRADE) means ''clean the external flash''.
Leave it floating between ''cfun'' and ''+wind:0:poweron''2015-11-09 12:31 PM
So can I leave it floating all of the time, or do I need to pull it high momentarily at some point in the firmware download?Thanks again,-Seth2015-11-09 1:03 PM
Hi Seth,
leave GPIO0 floating, or PullDown (if connected to external host).It's important to avoid GPIO0 high @ startup after Upgrade.ciaoj2015-11-10 6:14 AM
Thanks. I'll try that.-Seth2015-11-10 7:09 AM
2015-11-10 7:15 AM
No, only GPIO0 cleans external flash.
Can you try using and evaluation board (so, without an external host at all)?j2015-11-10 8:32 AM
Thanks for the suggestions.So I went back to square one and floated (disconnected) all pins as per the eval board schematic and I can now update the firmware! So there appears to be another pin that influences the behavior of this process if it is not floating. (That is, aside from BOOT0, GPIO0, RX, TX, VCC, RESETn and GND).