2015-02-25 5:53 AM
I have the following issues with scanning of ble devices: 1. When master has already connected to 1 slave veryrarely
SCAN_RSP (just ADV_IND). 2. When master has already conneced to 2 slaves function aci_gap_start_general_discovery_proc returns LE_STATUS_FAILED. Can I run scanning of ble devices when several slaves already connected to master? Regards, Andrei Kukenov.2015-02-27 3:47 AM
Hi Andrei,
Maybe the error is due to an incorrect setting of connection parameters. You can run the scripts Multiple_Connection_Master_Role.py and Multiple_Connection_Slave_Role.py, that shows how to connect one master with more slaves. You can find them under the folder: ''..\STMicroelectronics\BlueNRG DK 1.6.0\Application\scripts''. In add, if you open them, it' s possible to understand how to configure the connection parameters. Regards, Graziella2015-02-27 4:59 AM
Thank you very much
for your answer
!!! I found that if I setless stringent
connection params the scanningthough slowly
but works
. But I need high performance, when I set min and max connection params to '20' I get a very low throughput (about 20 packet per second). In ..\STMicroelectronics\BlueNRG DK 1.6.0\Application\scripts'' set: Conn_Interval_Min=0x30 and Conn_Interval_Max=0x30that does not allow
me to
get the required
. 1. What connection params (for max performance) I need to set if I want to work with several (2-3) slavessimultaneously?
2. How many packets from slave to master I can receive if I have 2/3 active connection? 3. Earlier, I asked how can I abort the scanning process(less than 10.24s), and you recommended to use Aci_Gap_Terminate_Gap_Procedure with the procedure code set to 0x02, this function realy works but until after 10.24 seconds from the start scanning I can not restart scanning or connet to slave because I get status = ERR_COMMAND_DISALLOWED, can I abort scanning and connect to slave as soon as receive EVT_BLUE_GAP_PROCEDURE_COMPLETE event? Regards, Andrei Kukenov2015-02-27 5:33 AM
Hi Andrei,
about question 3) I'm not agree with you, after the command ACI_GAP_TERMINATE_GAP_PROCEDURE, you can restart another scanning or create a connection without any problem. regards, graziella2015-02-27 6:18 AM
Hello Andrei and Graziella!
I have same problems with resending commands after events GAP_PROCEDURE_COMPLETE or GATT_PROCEDURE_COMPLETE. It's obviously that there are some issues with timings - referring to limitation of fw version 6.4 or trying to perform gatt_write functions as long as function returns ble_status_not_allowed or timer expire (referring to chat example code).
ID 676: GATT procedure fails if it is started as soon as a EVT_BLUE_GATT_PROCEDURE_COMPLETE is received (a ~100ms delay was needed)
Matej2015-02-27 6:34 AM
the limitation is about GATT procedure, instead we are referring to GAP procedure. regards,2015-02-27 6:50 AM
HI, Graziella and Matej
Thank a lot for your reply, <<about question 3) I'm not agree with you, after the command ACI_GAP_TERMINATE_GAP_PROCEDURE, you can restart another scanning or create a connection without any problem.
>> Ok, I will double check it Can you clarify questions 1 and 2? Regards, Andrei Kukenov