2017-12-07 06:43 AM
In the files STM32CubeExpansion_BLE1_V3.2.0\Middlewares\ST\STM32_BlueNRG\SimpleBlueNRG_HCI\hci\controller\
We can see some Osal_MemCpy with wrong sizeof. Ex in bluenrg_gap_aci.c:
tBleStatus aci_gap_resolve_private_address_IDB05A1(const tBDAddr private_address, tBDAddr actual_address)
{ struct hci_request rq; gap_resolve_private_address_cp cp; gap_resolve_private_address_rp rp; Osal_MemCpy(cp.address, private_address, 6); Osal_MemSet(&rq, 0, sizeof(rq)); rq.ogf = OGF_VENDOR_CMD; rq.ocf = OCF_GAP_RESOLVE_PRIVATE_ADDRESS; rq.cparam = &cp; rq.clen = sizeof(cp); rq.rparam = &rp; rq.rlen = sizeof(rp); if (hci_send_req(&rq, FALSE) < 0) return BLE_STATUS_TIMEOUT; if(rp.status) return rp.status; Osal_MemCpy(actual_address, rp.address, sizeof(actual_address)); return 0;}It will return the size of a pointer to uint8_t.
It should be sizeof(tBDAddr) or 6.
Same in bluenrg_hal_aci.c:
tBleStatus aci_hal_get_link_status(uint8_t link_status[8], uint16_t conn_handle[8])
{ struct hci_request rq; hal_get_link_status_rp rp; Osal_MemSet(&rq, 0, sizeof(rq)); rq.ogf = OGF_VENDOR_CMD; rq.ocf = OCF_HAL_GET_LINK_STATUS; rq.rparam = &rp; rq.rlen = sizeof(rp); if (hci_send_req(&rq, FALSE) < 0) return BLE_STATUS_TIMEOUT; if(rp.status) return rp.status; Osal_MemCpy(link_status,rp.link_status,sizeof(link_status)); for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) conn_handle[i] = btohs(rp.conn_handle[i]); return 0;}Should be 8 instead of sizeof(link_status).
#bluenrg-ms #hci #aci #ble #bluengr #spbtle-rf2017-12-19 03:29 AM
Thanks for reporting this. It will be fixed in the next release of the package.