2018-04-18 12:22 AM
I planning to add BlueNRG-2 SoC in our product with &sharpBluetoothMesh feature.
But how many models, specified in Mesh Model specification I could add using lib_BlueNRG_Mesh_CM0.lib ?
How much RAM is available for user app, after executing Bluetooth Mesh out of 24Kb ?
As per Bluetooth SIG specification, during provisioning there are 3 ways to do authentication of device -
1) input-oob
2) output-oob
3) static oob
What type of method, ST BlueNRG-Mesh APP is using during Provisioning ?
Is there any in details documentation which help developers to understand ST version of &sharpBLuetoothMesh ?
Can I provision node based on ST firmware using Silicon Labs Bluetooth Mesh App or &sharpmeshctl utility from Bluez 5.49 ?
##bluetoothmesh2018-04-24 1:03 AM
Dear Vikrant,
Thanks for your interest in BlueNRG-2 SoC for #BluetoothMesh feature.
a. We supported Vendor model in release STSW-BNRG-Mesh v1.02.000. Added support for Generic Model in STSW-BNRG-Mesh v1.03.000
Further Lighting model will be added soon in release v1.04.000
b. RAM usage is mentioned in Release notes, You can use more than 4KB for your application.
c. We are support no-oob provisioning
d. Documentation is available on
e. We didn't try to provision our firmware with other Apps or meshctl utility
2018-04-24 3:05 AM
2018-04-29 3:01 AM
Hi Alok,
Latest version of BlueNRG-Mesh (1.05.00) got crashed on click while tested on Android Oreo/ MotoZ-2 Force.
Although earlier version was working on the same platform.
Best Regards,
VK Verma
2018-04-30 8:00 AM
Thanks for this feedback. We will check on our side.
2018-05-02 7:27 AM
Hi Vikrant,
We did detailed testing with Android Oreo on other smart-phone. We don't see any crashes.
We don't have the MotoZ-2 Force smart-phone, hence it is difficult to replicate exactly what you saw.
Kindly help to identify the issue... here are some suggestions and questions:
1. Is the app installed after un-installing the previous one or directly installed from the playstore for the first time.
Can you try to un-install it and try installing again please.
2. Is the location/Bluetooth ON when this occurred?
Normally, the App will prompt the user to switch these ON. However, it is good to check
3.What is the frequency of the crash?
Is it reproducible everytime, any specific sequence or random ?
4. Kindly confirm if you have internet access and enabled on this phone. The App logs the crash analytics. It can help us to identify the root cause.
2018-05-02 7:51 AM
Hi Alok,
I've not faced this issue. It is someone else.
2018-05-03 6:27 AM
Hi Vikrant, Thanks for pointing out.
Dear '
', can you please review the feedbacks above and let us know your comments. Thanks2018-05-18 10:28 PM
Hi Alok,
It is still crashing Oreo although i have sent crash report through app feedback. Hope you got the same.
Is the app installed after un-installing the previous one or directly installed from the playstore for the first time.
Can you try to un-install it and try installing again please.
Reply --- It was directly installed from play store and I tried it after reinstalling it again.
2. Is the location/Bluetooth ON when this occurred?
Normally, the App will prompt the user to switch these ON. However, it is good to check
Reply --- Yes bluetooth is ON before hitting app.
3.What is the frequency of the crash?
Is it reproducible everytime, any specific sequence or random ?
Reply -- Always, every time
4. Kindly confirm if you have internet access and enabled on this phone. The App logs the crash analytics. It can help us to identify the root cause.
Reply -- I have sent the same.
VK Verma
2018-05-22 2:58 AM
Thanks VK Verma
We will analyze furtherand also with more phone models andcome back to you.