2016-12-23 1:31 AM
Can anyone provide sample project ofBlueNRG-MS in central role where security linking is required?
In sample project 'STM32CubeExpansion_BLE1_V2.7.0\Projects\Multi\Applications\SampleAppThT', it includes
central role but it does not require bonding/pairing.
I also checked 'OSXSmartConnPS\OSXSmartConnPS_V1.5.0\Projects\Multi\Applications\Profiles_Central\MDK-ARM\STM32L476RG-Nucleo',which does has central profile framework but no source code of this framework is provided.
I use
x-Nucleo-IDB05A1 kit to send pairing request toWesu kit.
x-Nucleo-IDB05A1 kit is set to central role whileWesu reference kit is coming with peripheral role naturally. Both sides are set to use fixed PIN code 1234
After connection is made,
x-Nucleo-IDB05A1 kit sends pairing request to
Wesu kit
by calling:ret = aci_gap_send_pairing_request(connection_handle,0);
x-Nucleo-IDB05A1 gets an event of pairing completion with 0x02 which says pairing has just failed
0x02: Pairing failed
The pairing failed with the remote deviceI tried using an android phone to pair with wesu kit and this was OK after I input 6 digit numbers of 123456 on my phone.
So something must be wrong with my
x-Nucleo-IDB05A1 central board but I could not figure it out.
I followed the documentDM00141271_ProgrammingManual.pdf to add pairing-related code on x-Nucleo-IDB05A1 kit.
Below are some parts of my code:
uint8_t DIV[2]={0x4A, 0x5D};
uint8_t ER[16]={0x4A, 0x5D, 0x9D, 0x5B, 0xA4, 0xCE, 0x2D, 0xE1, 0x72, 0x8E, 0x3B, 0xF4, 0x80, 0x35, 0x0F, 0x25};uint8_t IR[16]={0xE0, 0x7E, 0x21, 0xC9, 0x47, 0xD1, 0x9E, 0x33, 0x76, 0xF0, 0x9B, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x16, 0x17, 0x42};
ret = aci_hal_write_config_data(CONFIG_DATA_PUBADDR_OFFSET,
CONFIG_DATA_PUBADDR_LEN, bdaddr);ret = aci_hal_write_config_data(CONFIG_DATA_DIV_OFFSET,
CONFIG_DATA_DIV_LEN,(uint8_t *) DIV);ret = aci_hal_write_config_data(CONFIG_DATA_ER_OFFSET,
CONFIG_DATA_ER_LEN,(uint8_t *) ER); / ret = aci_hal_write_config_data(CONFIG_DATA_IR_OFFSET, CONFIG_DATA_IR_LEN,(uint8_t *) IR); ret = aci_gatt_init(); if(ret){ PRINTF('GATT_Init failed.\n'); } if(BLE_Role == SERVER) { if (bnrg_expansion_board == IDB05A1) { ret = aci_gap_init_IDB05A1(GAP_PERIPHERAL_ROLE_IDB05A1, 0, 0x07, &service_handle, &dev_name_char_handle, &appearance_char_handle); } else { ret = aci_gap_init_IDB04A1(GAP_PERIPHERAL_ROLE_IDB04A1, &service_handle, &dev_name_char_handle, &appearance_char_handle); } } else { if (bnrg_expansion_board == IDB05A1) { ret = aci_gap_init_IDB05A1(GAP_CENTRAL_ROLE_IDB05A1, 0, 0x07, &service_handle, &dev_name_char_handle, &appearance_char_handle); } else { ret = aci_gap_init_IDB04A1(GAP_CENTRAL_ROLE_IDB04A1, &service_handle, &dev_name_char_handle, &appearance_char_handle); } } if(ret != BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS){ PRINTF('GAP_Init failed.\n'); } //0x03: No Input, no output ret = aci_gap_set_io_capability(IO_CAP_NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT); if (ret != BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS) { PRINTF('Failure.\n'); } //aci_gap_clear_security_database(); ret = aci_gap_set_auth_requirement(MITM_PROTECTION_REQUIRED, OOB_AUTH_DATA_ABSENT, NULL, 7, 16, USE_FIXED_PIN_FOR_PAIRING, 123456, BONDING); Note: this post was migrated and contained many threaded conversations, some content may be missing.2016-12-23 3:44 AM
Hi Cake,
what is the FW version of the X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 you are using? The document
DM00141271_ProgrammingManual.pdf states that
Starting from BlueNRG-MS BLE FW stack 7.1b the IR and ER root keys are randomly
generated and permanently stored in internal BlueNRG-MS device Flash at the first
initialization of the device (ACI_GATT_INIT).
Kind regards,
2016-12-24 1:27 AM
Hi Palmieri,
The FW version of the X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 I am using is 0x0713. According to DM00141271.pdf, my
needs DIV/ER/IR configuration.I also tried deleting below lines:
ret = aci_hal_write_config_data(CONFIG_DATA_DIV_OFFSET,
CONFIG_DATA_DIV_LEN,(uint8_t *) DIV);ret = aci_hal_write_config_data(CONFIG_DATA_ER_OFFSET,
CONFIG_DATA_ER_LEN,(uint8_t *) ER);/ret = aci_hal_write_config_data(CONFIG_DATA_IR_OFFSET,CONFIG_DATA_IR_LEN,(uint8_t *) IR);But the pairing problem is still there.
Anyway, Is there any reference projecct of central role which could demostrate successful pairing procedure between 2 BlueNRG/BlueNRG-MS?
2017-01-10 4:30 AM
Did you consider the possibility to upgrade the FW to version 7.2c?
2017-02-07 2:21 AM
Hi Palmieri,
I did not upgrade my
X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 board to version 7.2c. I did not know how to upgrade it.
Do I need some special tool?
2017-02-08 4:43 AM
you can use the flashUpdater java tool that can be found in
STM32CubeExpansion_BLE1_V2.8.0\Utilities\PC_Software\FlashUpdaterToolPlease, follow the steps described in the companion readme
2017-02-09 2:07 AM
First of all,thanks for your response.!
Unfortunately, my board got corrupted while upgrading with flashUpdater.jar. Now I could not recover it.
Everything was ok at the begining and upgrade started to work untill
flashUpdater.jar reported an usb communication error. And the progress bar at the bottom of
flashUpdater.jar indicated the upgrade did not achive 100%. Then by unplug and plug the usb cable, reopening the virtual com port, flashUpdater.jar would always report it could not detect blueNRG-MS board.....
Can you please tell me how to recover from this situation?
I am using board as below:
2017-02-09 3:03 AM
Dear Cake Huang,
no worries! After the failed upgrade, your chip is not responding properly but you can recover from this situation using this simple program:
Please notice that it is hosted on ARM mbed website. In order to generate the binary for your NUCLEO-L476RG, you need to register to the mbed website.
As an alternative, you could use the BlueNRG GUI. Anyway, I suggest the link above first because the procedure is simpler.
Kind regards.
2017-02-10 2:18 AM
Hi Vilei,
Yes, I have mbed account. And I have successfully imported this updator project onto my workspace and compiled it,downloaded onto my
board.But it seems my board could not work. I got message printed out from standard uart port'ERROR: Unable to get HW version
'. This should come from below lines:bleDevice = (BlueNRGDevice*) createBLEInstance();
get_hw_version_status = bleDevice->getUpdaterHardwareVersion(&hw_version); if (get_hw_version_status != BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS) { printf('ERROR: Unable to get HW version\n\r'); error_loop(); }It seems my board does not respond to HCI command of reading local HW&SW information.And this seems reasonable since the image inside the blueNRG MS chip has gone.
Again, I replace
X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 with my anotherX-NUCLEO-IDB04A1
exapsion board. I got messages'Sorry, you're HW version is not supported'.This indicats that my
NUCLEO-L476RG andX-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 are OK.ButX-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 exapasion board is not working.(It's not likely it is damaged.)
So the question is:
Can this mbed updater cope with the board that there is no image at all inside the
blueNRG MS
?2017-02-21 12:32 AM
Thank palmieri&vilei,
After spending some efforts I have recovered my
X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 and its firmware is now updated to 7.2c
Both STSW-BNRGUI and mbed's BlueNRG-MS-Stack-Updater can be used to update
And 7.2c setted to central role can successfully get paired with another ble peripheral role,here in my case the peripheral is a standard BLE mouse.
Thank you again!