2014-05-23 2:00 AM
Does ST plans in the short term to produce its own Bluetooth LE module using the BlueNRG controller? The BlueNRG controller does need quite a lot external components compared to its competitors (like TI ), selling it as a module with or without antenna, would be interesting. Currently the most modules available use TI controllers, but the ST controller seems to consume so much less which makes it a much more interesting solution. By module I mean something like that. Panasonic:http://uk.farnell.com/productimages/farnell/standard/2325991-40.jpg
Or the smallest one available, the new TDK SESUB-PAN-T2541 (no antenna) 4.6 x 5.6mm only: Thank you2014-06-12 6:47 AM
Hi Paul,
In this forum we are not entitled to disclose advanced information on ST roadmap and plans for Bluetooth Low Energy. Having say that, I could inform You that ST is working on releasing modules to market based on BlueNRG and a rough timescale would be Q3/Q4 this year.
regards, Graziella Marchese2014-06-16 5:56 AM
Ok, that's great, thanks.
I have 2 simple suggestions to make to the BlueNRG developer team. - Please, keep the module as small as possible. :D - For the next version of the BlueNRG chip, it would be interesting to reduce the minimal Vdd/Vbat requirement from 2.0V to 1.71V (1.8V would also be ok). Your low power MCUs and your recent MEMS sensors work at 1.71V. It would be great if the BlueNRG could use the same power rail. I can understand that the BlueNRG was intended to be connected directly to a lithium battery (~3.6V) and integrating a efficient switched regulator into the BlueNRG was a great idea, but at that voltage level it is not possible to communicate with a 1.7V MCU over SPI without adding a level translator. So, 2 possibilities, reduce the Vdd/Vbat requirement from 2.0V to 1.71V-1.8V if technically possible. Or add an Vdd_IO pin to operate the SPI pins at a different voltage level (like you did on some iNemo MEMS sensors for instance) It would be great if you could forward those suggestions (well especially the second one, the first one seems obvious :D ) Thanks!2014-06-16 6:55 AM
Dear Customer,
thanks a lot for your suggestions, I'll forward those suggestions to the BlueNRG developer team. Regards, Graziella2015-02-05 9:55 AM
Are ST still planning to release a BlueNRG module?2015-06-29 11:36 AM
So just over a year ago Marchese Graziella suggested ST were working on BT BLE modules, and suggested they might be released by the end of 2014.
I realise that ST cannot give firm announcements or timescales, but can you indicate whether or not this is still something you plan to release at some point? Thanks.2015-07-15 12:55 AM
SPBTLE-RF Very low power module for Bluetooth Smart v4.1
2015-07-16 5:32 AM
Thanks for the information.
Is it possible to get hold of samples in Europe? No distributors appear to have stock.