2014-08-06 5:52 AM
Dear ST,
I have an STEVAL-IDB002V1 devboard and a custom board with a BlueNRG chip
and a Freescale MCU.
I can succesfully create a connection with BlueNRG GUI and the devboard. If I use the same commands in the same order with my custom board there
will be
nothing shown
on the
''Add bluetooth device'' form
in Windows
. However I get the same (success) reply packages from the chip.
I attached the IFR sector of the BNRG chip (from the custom board).Configuration:
SXTAL: 32.768kHz
Power supply: SMPS (provides stable 1.4V)
I miss?
Thank you for your answer!?
#bluenrg2014-11-20 3:02 AM
at the following link:
you can download the application note AN4494 that explains some procedures must be carried out before finalizing the application.Best regards
Graziella Marchese