2014-08-31 8:26 AM
Hello! We would like to ask you some questions about the processor BlueNRG.
1. How can I check the board STEVAL-IDB003V1 with the methodology of applying BLUENRG_GUL described in the document DM00099259?
I do the following:
- connect STEVAL-IDB003V1 to USB of the PC;
- chose the appeared port, push the button �OPEN�;
- chose the command in the column ACI command;
- send the command with the button SEND.
Thus I realize the algorithm of the handheld translating of commands accordingly DM00099259:
5.3.1 Initialization
- BLUEHCI_GAP_INIT (Role=0x01)
5.3.2 Add service and characteristics
Service_UUID_16=0xA001, Service_Type=0x01, Max_Attributes_Records=0x06)
� BLUEHCI_GATT_ADD_CHAR (Service_Handle=0x0010,
Char_UUID_Type=0x01, Char_UUID_16=0xA002, Char_Value_Length=10,
Char_Properties=0x1A, Security_Permissions=0x00, GATT_Evt_Mask=0x01,
Enc_Key_Size=0x07, Is_Variable=0x01)
5.3.3 Set security requirements
OOB_Enable=0, OOB_Data=0, Min_Encryption_Key_Size=7,
Max_Encryption_Key_Size=16, Use_Fixed_Pin=0, Fixed_Pin=123456,
5.3.4 Enter connectable mode
� BLUEHCI_GAP_SET_DISCOVERABLE (Advertising_Type=0x00,
Advertising_Interval_Min=0x800, Advertising_Interval_Max=0x900,
Own_Address_Type=0x00, Advertising_Filter_Policy=0x00,
Local_Name_Length=0x08, Local_Name='\x08BlueNRG',
Service_UUID_Length=0x00, Service_UUID_List=0x00,
Then I control the process according to the confirming 5.3.5:
Connection with central device:
�Once BlueNRG is put in a discoverable mode, it can be seen by a central device in
scanning. Any Bluetooth smart and smart-ready device can connect to BlueNRG, such as a
smartphone. LightBlue is one of the applications in the Apple store for iPhone�
4S/5 and later versions of Apple�s iPhone�.
I search of the devices on the isolated PC which is not connected with STEVAL-IDB003V1. Open Bluetooth and look for the devices in the zone of the Bluetooth net. As checking and searching device we apply ASUS USB-BT400 adapter with the supporting of Bluetooth 4.0.
But the device STEVAL-IDB003V1 is not found after doing actions 5.3.1-5.3.4.
Why is it happened? What is done incorrectly?
Besides that the experiment was doing by other way: into the board NUCLEO-L152RE the firmware BlueNRG_VCOM_1_3_Nucleo.hex was loaded, and into the board STEVAL-IDB003V1 the firmware BlueNRG_VCOM_1_3.hex was loaded, then the commands were done into
BLUENRG_GUI for the 1-st and 2-nd devices separately, but nothing was found between the boards and the device ASUS USB-BT400 adapter - has found nothing either.
Where can be a problem? Do I carry out the algorithm of actions correctly?
2. In the BLUENRG_GUI there are commands HCI TEST and their description is done in Bluetooth core specification 4.0, Volume 2, Part E, Chapter 7.
But how can I use them for testing in BLUENRG_GUI?
What is the order of actions?Need I connect in the Com Terminal?
What information must appear if the test is done successfully?
What firmware must be in the Server-device and Slave-device in order to carry out the HCI TEST on the Bluetooth connection?
3. Which way should I use the program code BLE_Chat?
The text for the client and server is identical.
How should I find Master and Slave?
In the document DM00099259:
6.2.1 Initialization there are the directives on the putting of the commands:
� BLE Chat, �Server� role:
� BLUEHCI_GAP_INIT(Role=0x01): peripheral.
BLE Chat, �Client role:
� BLUEHCI_GAP_INIT(Role=0x03): central.
Does it mean that I must open 1-st and 2-nd devices in the BLUENRG_GUI and put these commands if I want to use code BLE_Chat?
Need I in BLUENRG_GUI put any commands 6.2.2-6.2.5?
Should I understand that commands 6.2.2-6.2.5 are absolutely realized in the firmware and these items are done just for information but not for using in BLUENRG_GUI?
If I choose in BLUENRG_GUI the appeared port, push the button �Open� and send the commands then the Com port for the connection with the device is busy.
How then can I watch data on the using of firmware BLE_Chat in the program Com Terminal? Because Com Terminal can not open the same port if it is already opened in BLUENRG_GUI?
#low-power-rf-solutions2014-11-20 1:46 AM
Hi Vladislav,
I will try to respond to your questions:
1) To put a BlueNRG in discovery mode, you have to send the following commands:
- Reset HW (click on the related button in the GUI); - BLUEHCI_HAL_WRITE_CONFIG_DATA(0,6, 0x123456789ABC) -> set a public address - BLUEHCI_GATT_INIT; - BLUEHCI_GAP_INIT (Role=0x01) -> Peripheral Role; - BLUEHCI_GAP_SET_DISCOVERABLE ->you can also use the default parameters;Now the BlueNRG is in discoverable mode.
You could configure the other device as Central and perform a scanning in order to understand if you can see the peripheral, in this case you have to send the following commands: - Reset HW (click on the related button in the GUI); - BLUEHCI_GATT_INIT; - BLUEHCI_GAP_INIT (Role=0x03) -> Central Role; - BLUEHCI_GAP_START_GEN_DISC_PROC->you can also use the default parameters;The central should receive the event EVT_BLUE_GAP_DEVICE_FOUND containig the address of the peripheral (little endian).
Anyway, you can find the iOS and Android apps to drive BlueNRG at the link:
You shoud see the BlueNRG device in adverting also using the ASUS USB-BT400 adapter. 2)Please see the Application Note AN4494 that you download at the following link:In the BlueNRG device you have to load the firmware BlueNRG_VCOM_1_3.hex .
3) Installing the BlueNRG DK 1.5.0, under the folder ..\BlueNRG DK 1.5.0\Firmware you can find the firmware of chat master and client side (see files BLE_Chat_Client.hex and BLE_Chat_Server.hex)
It means that you have to put the devices in DFU mode and load in one device the BLE_Chat_Client.hex and in the other the firmware BLE_Chat_Server.hex. The paragraph 6.2.2-6.2.5 explain the main steps to realize a chat.