2018-05-28 3:58 AM
I want to access LSM6DS3 sensor which is present on STEVAL-IDB00BV2 board, using direct register methodology (no interrupt )
I tried to initialize SPI as follow. Am I on right track ?
void spi_init()
{ CKGEN_SOC->CLOCK_EN |= (1 << 4); //SPI module clock enable CLRB(SPI->CR1, 1); // SPI disable ....(as per point mentioned in Datasheet of BlueNRG_2)GPIO->MODE0 = 0;
GPIO->MODE0 |= 0x00004444; // IO0, IO1, IO2, IO3 set to mode serial0 GPIO->OEN |= 0x00000007; CLRB(GPIO->OEN, 3); SETB(GPIO->PE, 3);SPI->CPSR |= 0x00000004;
SPI->CR0 = 0x00000447; // 8-bit data, Steady-state of clock polarity is high, Steady-state of clock phase is low// the slave 1 is selected, SCR = 4, Motorola SPI frame format, Full duplex mode
SPI->CR1 = 0x00000000; // Master mode,SETB(SPI->CR1, 1); // SPI enable
Now how to access, WHO_AM_I register (addr -> 0x0F ....for reading it should OR with 0x80) ?
Thank You !!