2017-11-09 3:45 AM
I have downloaded STM32CubeExpansion_BLE1_V3.2.0 and loaded DMALowPower_App as server on my nucleo board (NUCLEO-L073) that is compatible with L052. Then, with my phone and the 'STM32 BLE Profile App' application, i was able to see my blueNRG device. But when i power down and power up my board again, i wasn't able to see my device anymore. I tried with another board, and this is the same thing at second startup.
tried to update the firmware of the chip but it didn't change anything.
Do you think it could come from my phone (that is a cheap chinese Archos phone)
Best regards,
#ble #stm32 #nucleo #bluenrg #idb05a12017-11-10 5:14 AM
Hello Aurélien,
in some versions of Android, the cache of known devices may get in the way with scanning. When you face this issue, you may try to disable Bluetooth on your phone and then enable it again. This should clear the BLE cache of your phone.
When you power down the board, do you physically disconnect it from the power (USB or external supply) or do you just reset it?
Best regards,
2017-11-10 5:32 AM
Thank you very much for your answer. I tried to disconnect the bluetooth on my phone and reconnect it without success. When i power down the board, i physically disconnect if from the power and it didn't change anything. But i have two boards, one configured as a central application and the other as client application, and my two boards can communicate with each other. So, i definitely think my problem comes from my phone, i will try with other one.