2021-07-08 6:39 AM
Is it possible to use the BlueNRG API to have a automatic characteric broadcasting? Currently I do this manually by calling the function
for the corresponding characteristic but that's kinda cumbersome. Does the stack provide an automatic approach for this problem?
2021-07-12 1:41 AM
Is this such an irregular use case?
2021-07-20 7:41 AM
Could you provide more detail about
what would be the function of "automatic characteric broadcasting"?
2021-07-20 7:44 AM
Hi Winfred
If a client subscribes to a certain characteristic and doesn't want to poll. I'm not that deep into the whole Bluetooth topic so I don't know if that a regular use case, I just have a project with this requirement so currently I use the function described in the question.
2021-07-20 8:12 AM
That would be the behavior of attribute notifications.
So, it seems that you were implementing a GATT server.
When periodical notifications are needed, please put the procedure be triggered with a timer.
There is no single API for a GATT server to generate a notification periodically.
2021-07-20 8:16 AM
So my approach of periodically (timer based) calling aci_gatt_update_char_value is correct?
2021-07-21 7:41 AM
Yes. Because the notification can be sent in any time when needed (characteristic value updated),
the server has to actively notify the client when it means to do that.
2021-07-21 8:17 AM
Okay, thanks for confirmation!