2016-03-08 6:00 AM
I performed a session of test with this spwf01 module in station mode with a router wifi.I saw a problem that it accours sometimes during a scanning for find wifi network. I sent a command to the module:AT+S.SCANThe module answer1: BSS C4:EA:1D:B1:CA:43 CHAN: 01 RSSI: -83 SSID: 'Telecom-29755459' CAPS: 0411 WPA WPA2 WPS 2: BSS D0:D4:12:A6:C0:3B CHAN: 01 RSSI: -86 SSID: 'Telecom-44482613' CAPS: 0411 WPA WPA2 WPS 3: BSS 98:E7:F5:49:55:67 CHAN: 01 RSSI: -84 SSID: 'WebPocket-5567' CAPS: 0411 WPA2 WPS 4: BSS 10:13:EE:07:5F:B5 CHAN: 06 RSSI: -89 SSID: 'Optima Italia' CAPS: 0411 WPA WPA2 5: BSS C4:6E:1F:F4:DB:62 CHAN: 07 RSSI: -48 SSID: 'WebPocket-1558' CAPS: 0431 WPA2 WPS 6: BSS 54:B8:0A:13:8D:10 CHAN: 11 RSSI: -80 SSID: 'abcpp' CAPS: 0431 WPA WPA2 WPS I connected the module at the sixth Network and selected a bad password that saved in the memory of the device spwf01.I selected a correct private mode AT+S.SCFG=wifi_priv_mode,2response:OKAT&wresponse:OKI turned on again the module and after that appeared these messages :+WIND:1:Poweron (150410-c2e37a3-SPWF01S)+WIND:13:ST SPWF01SA1 IWM: Copyright (c) 2012-2014 STMicroelectronics, Inc. All rights Reserved.+WIND:3:Watchdog Running+WIND:0:Console active+WIND:32:WiFi Hardware Started +WIND:21:WiFi Scanning+WIND:35:WiFi Scan Complete (0x0)+WIND:18:WiFi Join:54:B8:0A:13:8D800+WIND:21:WiFi Scanning+WIND:35:WiFi Scan Complete (0x0)+WIND:19:WiFi Join:54:B8:0A:138D:10AT+S.SCAN ( I send a new command AT+S.SCAN but the module answer )ERROR: Wait for Hardware Busy The only mode for resolve this error is change the private mode to zero AT+S.SCFG=wifi_priv_mode,0response:OKAT&wresponse:OKand restart the module.Now if send a scan request the module return the wifi network list correctly.why This happens sometimes?what is the reason?2016-03-08 11:47 AM
Ciao Sandro,
first of all, please update to FW3.5.About your questions:1 - ''ERROR: Wait for Hardware Busy'' means the module is performing a Join (Wind:18). Try again later;2 - module is repeating scan/complete/join since priv_mode is wrong. When authentication fails, module automatically comes back to scan state, and loop scan/complete/join start again. Please note that ''Join'' does not generate traffic over the air. If you use a sniffer, you'll find authentication frames after the Join Wind, with a ''bad'' reply from the AP. After a few seconds, a new scan is scheduled.3 - complete sequence is scan/scan complete/join/authentication (request and reply)/association (request and reply)/DHCP HandShake (discover, offer, request and ack)/WiFi UP WindCiaoj