2018-02-01 6:35 AM
I have a bluenrg-1 as a central and a smartphone as a peripheral. Central can connect and discovery correctly.
When I try to write a pheriperal's value, aci_gatt_write_char_value() return 0x01.
aci_att_prepare_write_resp_event is never called
aci_att_exec_write_resp_event is never called
but the peripheral is receiving the data!What is the error code 0x01 ?
2018-02-06 7:47 PM
Hi Francesco,
Did you mean seeing a HCI_COMMAND_STATUS_EVENT with Status 0x01 ?
That will be strange because 0x01 is UNKNOWN HCI COMMAND, which means BlueNRG-1 does not
understand the ACI Command OpCode.Best Regards,
2018-02-12 9:56 AM
Hi Winfred,
aci_gatt_write_char_value() return tBleStatus =
2018-02-12 6:56 PM
Hi Francesco,
Yes. tBleStatus 0x01 would be ERR_UNKNOWN_HCI_COMMAND.
Reference: <DK path>/Library/Bluetooth_LE/inc/ble_status.h
Which DK are you currently using?
Is it possible to post some codes and we try to replicate the issue to check?
Best Regards,