2022-09-26 8:17 AM
2022-09-26 8:20 AM
would be go to have it soonest
2022-09-26 8:36 AM
The VL53L7 is almost out. The datasheet is up on the website, and you can go to Mouser and Digikey and enter a pre-order.
The L7 is exactly like the L5 - but the FoV has been widened. Instead of a 45 degree prymid of light, you get a 61 degree FoV. This will lower the distance one can range as the light disapates with distance, but one can still see people to a good 2 Meters.
It would be perfect to detect people as they approach.
The big announcement is scheduled for Oct 4th, and parts will be avalible shortly after that.