2021-09-26 11:02 AM
Unfortunately, I couldn't find any documentation relating all tuning parameters. Comments are also missing. Any ressources available?
2021-10-08 8:59 AM
There aren't that many tuning parameters that you can play with without help. The documentation says,
"The list of tuning parameters and their default values is given in the vl53lx_tuning_parm_defaults.h file. Either
change a tuning parameter value in this file and recompile the code, or use the VL53LX_SetTuningParameter()
function to load this tuning parameter."
But they were not meant for users to change them. They are only there if you have a specific issue, and we can suggest you change something.
I think expecting you to read and understand them all would be counter productive.
If you have an issue, we might be able to solve it for you by suggesting you change some of these, but without extensive knowledge and lots of testing, I think they would just get you into trouble.