2023-02-07 12:29 AM
I tried using VL53L5CX with ULD API v1.3.6 with an ESP32-S3. I successfully ported the base C function for I2C, as I can talk with the sensor during the first part of the initialization process.
Unfortunately, when I reach the NVM part, the function _vl53l5cx_poll_for_answer() fails, and I keep getting VL53L5CX_MCU_ERROR as the return value:
I was looking for answers online, especially around ST Community, but I cannot find anything about this specific part of the function failing. As I haven't modified the API itself, I really need some external help to resolve this issue.
Does anyone know how to revolve this ?
2023-02-07 12:53 AM
Have you tried the VL53L5CX Arduino library on your ESP32 ?
2023-02-07 12:56 AM
Hi, thank you for your answer. No I haven't try this library, I wanted to use the official ESP32 framwork ESP-IDF, but I will look into the library examples to this if I do anything wrong in the power up sequence, just in case.
2023-02-09 1:23 AM
I actually found the issue: the WrMulti function was sending adress bytes in the wrong order. It was actually the previous call to WrMulti(&(p_dev->platform), 0x2fd8, (uint8_t*)VL53L5CX_GET_NVM_CMD, sizeof(VL53L5CX_GET_NVM_CMD)); that failed because the 0x2fd8 adress was sent as 0xd82f. My bad, I implemented the function wrongly.
2023-02-09 1:56 AM
Thanks for the update. Simple I2C read write function checks at the first step are helpful ;)
8:56 AM
- last edited on
2:47 AM
Is this for the Linux VL53L5CX ULD?
Is this function still correct?
int32_t write_read_multi(
int fd,
uint16_t i2c_address,
uint16_t reg_address,
uint8_t *pdata,
uint32_t count,
int write_not_read)
struct comms_struct cs;
cs.len = count;
cs.reg_address = reg_address;
cs.buf = pdata;
cs.write_not_read = write_not_read;
if (ioctl(fd, ST_TOF_IOCTL_TRANSFER, &cs) < 0)
struct i2c_rdwr_ioctl_data packets;
struct i2c_msg messages[2];
uint32_t data_size = 0;
uint32_t position = 0;
if (write_not_read) {
do {
data_size = (count - position) > (VL53L5CX_COMMS_CHUNK_SIZE-2) ? (VL53L5CX_COMMS_CHUNK_SIZE-2) : (count - position);
memcpy(&i2c_buffer[2], &pdata[position], data_size);
i2c_buffer[0] = (reg_address + position) >> 8;
i2c_buffer[1] = (reg_address + position) & 0xFF;
messages[0].addr = i2c_address >> 1;
messages[0].flags = 0; //I2C_M_WR;
messages[0].len = data_size + 2;
messages[0].buf = i2c_buffer;
packets.msgs = messages;
packets.nmsgs = 1;
if (ioctl(fd, I2C_RDWR, &packets) < 0)
position += data_size;
} while (position < count);
else {
do {
data_size = (count - position) > VL53L5CX_COMMS_CHUNK_SIZE ? VL53L5CX_COMMS_CHUNK_SIZE : (count - position);
i2c_buffer[0] = (reg_address + position) >> 8;
i2c_buffer[1] = (reg_address + position) & 0xFF;
messages[0].addr = i2c_address >> 1;
messages[0].flags = 0; //I2C_M_WR;
messages[0].len = 2;
messages[0].buf = i2c_buffer;
messages[1].addr = i2c_address >> 1;
messages[1].flags = I2C_M_RD;
messages[1].len = data_size;
messages[1].buf = pdata + position;
packets.msgs = messages;
packets.nmsgs = 2;
// int ret = ioctl(fd, I2C_RDWR, &packets);
// if (ret < 0){ //throws error here
// return VL53L5CX_COMMS_ERROR;
// }
if (ioctl(fd, I2C_RDWR, &packets) < 0)
position += data_size;
} while (position < count);
return 0;
I am having iniitialisation issues here status throwing -1 thrown by the above ioctl during the read:
status |= WrMulti(&(p_dev->platform), 0x2fd8,(uint8_t*)VL53L5CX_GET_NVM_CMD, sizeof(VL53L5CX_GET_NVM_CMD));
status |= _vl53l5cx_poll_for_answer(p_dev, 4, 0, VL53L5CX_UI_CMD_STATUS, 0xff, 2);
status |= RdMulti(&(p_dev->platform), VL53L5CX_UI_CMD_START, p_dev->temp_buffer, VL53L5CX_NVM_DATA_SIZE); //ErrorHere
(void)memcpy(p_dev->offset_data, p_dev->temp_buffer, VL53L5CX_OFFSET_BUFFER_SIZE);
status |= _vl53l5cx_send_offset_data(p_dev, VL53L5CX_RESOLUTION_4X4);