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VL53L4CX_SetUserROI purpose


I read that we can not set spad array size on VL53L4CX chip. What is the purpose of function VL53L4CX_SetUserROI, found in VL53L4CX driver?

I tried setting two zones or two user rois but detection doesn’t change.


ST Employee

Damjan -

That function does work - as it limits the number of SPADS in the SPAD array. (There are 16x16 in the array. And you lower that number. But more than likely it will have no effect on the L4 sensors.

Without the lens of the VL53L1, any light that comes in will be captured by a random SPAD. The lens focuses right or left, up or down.

If you had a very short distance application then you could use this to prevent wild swings of SPAD settings as the sensor tried to adjust to your target. Needing to do is is very rare.

We considered removing it, but one customer wanted it and we felt it wasn't hurting anything.\

  • john

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