2022-06-06 2:46 PM
2022-06-07 2:22 PM
The resolution is in mm. However the accuracy is not as good as that. Looking at a wide range of reflectivities, you can get about +/- 3%. If you only have 1 known object (say a piston that moves up and down) you can get maybe +/- 1%. (And at the very short distances, +/- a few mm is the best you can do.)
It's in the data sheet.
The sensor is software programmed. So those 'registers' are more software parameters descised as registers. They are not published as there are hundreds and hundreds of them.
We made the software as easy and straight forward as we could to discourage the use of the register interface. I suppose one could do it that way, but it took us years and you don't have that much time.
If we missed something, enter a support request and perhaps we can do it for you.
2022-06-12 3:24 PM
Hi John,
I appreciate your response. I am interested in maximizing accuracy in the range of 0-40mm. Do you have any ideas as to how I can accomplish this?
2022-06-13 7:35 AM
Time of Flight - It’s a whole new way of seeing things.
The best way to increase accuracy is to get the sensor more time to average the incoming data. A good rule of thumb is that quadrupling the TimingBudget doubles the accuracy.
But if you are only interested in one specific target and only want those distances, I can give you a modification of the code. But I won't publish it, as it will destroy the performance specified by our data sheet for all the other distances.
If interested, write me separately - john.kvam@st.com
2022-06-13 7:45 AM
2022-06-13 7:54 AM