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Where is the enable method/command in AN5203


Hello ,

I was checking this AN 5203 :

on page 16 the main c code is written.

I wanted to know why we are not enabling the Teseo.I mean which method (if I am not able to find) is enabling the teseo or is it like it is default enabled when we power it ON?

I see the code directly inits the I2C and get the data over i2c?

One more question :

HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, 0x3A << 1, (uint8_t *)gpgll_msg, strlen(gpgll_msg), 2000)

>> what is 0x3A << 1 here ?

Is it the Teseo 7 Bit address?

one last question : Where Can I get the information on enabling and getting the similiar data (liek where can I find the list of all NMEA COmmands and thier corresponding commands like this : static const char *gpgll_msg = "$PSTMNMEAREQUEST,100000,0\n\r"; )

Many Thanks in advance !


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I2C here using 7-bit, STM32 expects these in the high order bits, so shifted there.​

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regarding enable what data should be sent to i2c?

Is there a raw command set available? for enable,configuration and retrieving data?

I am on arduino thats why asking in terms of raw data.
