2025-02-24 12:04 AM
I have some problem with DR mode.
I can't recieve any $PSTMDR2 or $PSTMDRCAL messages, so the status of DR remains unknown.
But I checked the CDB 228-230 with $PSTMGETPAR, the following are the response.
In CDB 229, bit 60-63 is 6, meaning that the $PSTMDR and $PSTMDRCONFID are enabled, but I can only see $PSTMDRCONFID. There are no $PSTMDR message there. Are there any problem with my configurations?
Also, I had enabled these messages in CDB 229, meaning that these message should be update in 10 Hz. But it still be updated in 1 Hz, as following.
Are there some configurations needs to be changed? Thank you.
2025-02-26 9:38 AM
CDB-228 contains all the $PSTMDR messages, so having values all 0s explains why you are not seeing any PSTMDR messages.
Can you please refer to $PSTMSETPAR command on how to set the bits. It looks like you might have overwritten the CDB registers.
2025-03-02 5:47 PM
Hi @GalaxyQuest
Thank you for your response. I had understood that these DR messages report at 1 Hz, so these message should be set in CDB 228 (that include 1 Hz messages)
Also, I can recieve these DR messages after a factory reset. Just a note if someone needed.
CDB 228: 0x6cc22000 CDB 229: 0x0 CDB 230: 0x0
CDB 600: 80A00116 (there is a conflict that the manual says the bit 31 should be 0, but the default setting is 1)
My new question is how to improve the DR performence?
I followed the instructions written in AN5678, and I got "system ready" flag.
I tested DR in a 2 km tunnel. But when I leave the tunnel, the position shift 500 m when the GPS was available.
Are there some values that I can know the accuracy of the DR? like the error in PSTMDR2?
Thank you.
2025-03-03 8:46 AM
Couple of things to check.
I am assuming you are using DRUM mode -- i.e. no connections to vehicle, is that correct?
If so, in PSTMDR2 - you should see SYSTEM_READY along with status of 0xCC should be seen in IMU cal.
0xCC means accelerometer calibration and gyro calibration is completed.
Could you please ensure that when doing field testing, the device is firmly placed on the vehicle frame and not placed on a seat where it can move around?
Regarding DR messages.
In PSTMDR2 we report the cross track and along track error which is a good reference.
In addition, we also report PSTMDRPVA - which is DR estimated position and PSTMDRGPS - which is pure GNSS.
2025-03-03 9:28 AM
You can enable this by sending the following command.
$PSTMSETPAR,1228,0x200,1 //enable PSTMDRSVF
$PSTMSETPAR,1228,0x2000000,1 //enable PSTMDREPE and PSTMDRPVASD
$PSTMSRR // reset for setting to take effect
To handle the higher volume of messages, I would recommend increasing baud-rate
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