2019-03-13 7:26 AM
2019-03-13 7:52 AM
Teseo V and Teseo APP currently are available only for selected partners.
2019-03-13 8:03 AM
Are Thales or INP ESISAR - Grenoble part of your partners ?
2019-03-13 8:13 AM
Thales Alenia Space is our partner on H2020 project related to TeseoIII
Currently is not in the short list of selected partner evaluating Teseo V/APP
2019-03-13 8:57 AM
It's going to be very hard to expand your customer base when other vendors erect far few obstacles to testing/evaluation of their products.
When you run out of car and savnav manufacturers you have to chase other smaller/niche markets like timing or farming where the volume are in the thousands not millions of units, and you're looking to take business away from more entrenched players.
Getting product into colleges and universities seems like something you'd want to focus on especially in the V2V, V2X and automated driving spaces.
2019-03-14 1:22 AM
Ok, do you know when they will be available for everybody ?